Grade 2 News October 18 - October 22

Posted: October 18, 2021

Hi Everyone!

Welcome back! I hope you had a good weekend!

Phys. Ed- Our Phys. Ed days this week are Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

Library - Our library day is on Thursday. Make sure you bring your book back so you can sign out another one.

Homework/Reading - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. This week we are starting our spelling program. The focus is on the short /a/ vowel sound. We will be working on the words each day at school as well. The word work activity is on the short /a/ vowel sound too. Students have to look at the picture and put down the 3 sounds they hear for each one. We are doing some writing this week. It is important that our sentences tell a whole idea and begin and end the right way. Use the pictures on the page to write a sentence. See if you can use some of this weeks spelling words in the sentence. In math we are working on even and odd numbers and place value to 25. Make sure you read your book each night and record it on the log sheet.

School Clothing Orders - If you would like to order school clothing, you can do so on-line at the link provided. Orders are done by River Signs and will be sent to the school for pick up.


Secret Path Week - This week our school will be participating in Secret Path Week in honour of the legacy of Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack. This will be part of the path to Reconciliaction and learning and helping to build a better Canada. Students and staff are asked to wear purple on Friday, as we will be participating in a Walk For Wenjack. If you have more purple things, you can wear them during the week. 

Picture Retakes/Sibling Pictures - School picture retakes and sibling pictures will be done on October 28th. Please fill out the purple form that was sent home if you would like to have these done.

Literacy - This week we are starting our spelling program. The word work for the week will focus on the spelling words and the short/a/ vowel sounds. We will be doing lots of work with vowels. Our writing is coming along and we are adding more sentences to the amount we write. Remember that our sentence tells a whole idea and must begin and end the right way. We will start doing work with the 6+1 Writing Traits this week. We are building on our bank of strategies to help with our reading. It is important that we read every day and use the strategies we are learning.

Math - In math we have started working on place value to 25 and representing numbers in different ways, and odd and even numbers. We continue to work on counting by 1s, 2s and 10s forwards and backwards.

Have a wonderful week!