Hi Everyone,
I hope you had a fun weekend! We are back to a 5 day week and hopefully some warmer temperatures. Please make sure that you are dressed for the weather.
Phys. Ed
Our Phys. Ed days this week are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Our library day is on Wednesday, Make sure you bring your book back so you can get another one out.
We have skating on Thursday January 15th with our buddies, Mrs. Woods Grade 4 class. Our ice time is from 9:00 - 9:40 AM. Students will need their skates and helmet. Please join us if you are able to.
We have started our unit on Addition and Subtraction to 18. We will be working on different strategies to help with adding and subtracting. Some of those are doubles, adding on, and ways to make 10. Students can keep work on counting in different ways at home. This week we will be sending home sheets for strategies and addition facts.
The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. Our spelling words this week focus on the long /i/ bossy /e/ vowel sound. Please make sure that you are reading your book each night and recording it on the log sheet. Remember to use your strategies to help with unknown words.
Scholastic Book Order
If you would like to order a book for this month, order forms are due back on Friday January 16th.
Have a wonderful week!