Ms. Hackett

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Posted: September 23, 2011

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Lexa asked Julien what his favourite subject is. Camera person: Candice Director: Tyler

Posted: December 16, 2009

Read 15 minutes (students can read more than one book during this time) Proper Read to Self for Independence: use whisper voice or read in mind keep eyes on book the whole time keep reading the whole time stay in one spot the whole time do all of these things to build stamina Bring back any library books or PM books Missing:  1. The Creature of Cassidy's Creek (black cover) 2. Some Dog (green cover) 3. Firelight Secrets (blue cover)   Also missing is a Bones (graphic novel/comic) library book. 

Posted: December 15, 2009

Read or Reread PM book Math Sheet No Christmas Tree Lighting - students can bring homemade ornaments tomorrow (if they made them - voluntary only) Concert Times - 9 a.m. and 12 p.m.    

Posted: December 14, 2009

Read PM book, bring back tomorrow   Spelling Test - Wednesday   Doug Underhill Book Money    

Posted: December 13, 2009

Slime Subtraction Game - Minus Mission

Posted: December 11, 2009

Granny Prix

Posted: December 11, 2009

Base Ten Blocks Addition and Subtraction

Posted: December 9, 2009

Continue Reading or Reread PM books Log House Mouse Final Assignment Due Friday (please do not cut out yet) Math Sheet - due Friday Skating - leaving @ 10:30 Christmas Sale (children's toys) Social Studies Sheet (if not completed from last night)

Posted: December 8, 2009

Worth 15 marks Picture: illustrate and colour (5 marks) 5 reasons why that person is a good citizenship - 10 marks Be careful of punctuation, capitalization and spelling.  
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Added: Mon, Jun 25 2018


Added: Fri, Dec 25 2020