Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen Notes

Our Happy Kinders~


Posted: December 2, 2024

Welcome December! We have a 4 day week ahead of us as we begin a new month. We had our first snowfall and much of the snow remained so the children are very excited to go outside and play in the snow.It's time to get out the snow pants,jacket, boots,hat, mittens. If possible please send an extra pair of mittens and socks in your childs book bag, just in case theres get wet from the snow. Thanks!   

Phys. Ed. Classes- We have phys.ed. classes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week.Please dress in comfy clothes and sneakers to run, exercise and play.Our extra phys.ed class on Wednesday afternoon is an outdoor class, so please dress for the weather. 

Cafeteria- Place your daily lunch orders online. Please let me know if your child is purchasing lunch or any item by,sending a note indicating exactly what they are ordering, along with the money in a baggie.Even if your child is only ordering milk or a cookie please send a note. Thanks for your support!

Water Bottles- Please send in a water bottle with your child each day. Thanks!

Library- We will exchange our library book on Thursday as there is no school Friday this week. Be sure to have someone read you your book throughout the week. We will return our book the following Friday December 13th when all books are due back.Thanks!

Homework- This week students will complete the printing page of the letters o,d,c,k in the homework book. We are tracing the lower case letters of the alphabet and then printing these lowercase letters on the line. Please use a pencil when printing. Thanks. Students sometimes need a little extra help forming these letters properly.Take your time and try your best. Return your book on Thursday, this week. Thanks!  

Parent\Teacher Interviews - Do the cancellation of school on Friday Nov.29th, the Parent\teacher Interviews scheduled for this day have now been re-scheduled for Friday Dec.6th from 8:30-11:30pm. There is NO SCHOOL for students this Friday, Dec.6th. Those who scheduled an appointment for friday can keep the same time slot but, if this is no longer an convient time, please contact me at school, (506)627-4074 to reschedule. 

Christmas Shop- Our Home and School are having a Christmas Shop on Dec.9th and 10th for students to do Christmas shopping for their family. We ask for donations of used items and any wrapping paper, bows or bags,that you may no longer need, to be sent in to school by Dec.5th. We appreciate your support. 

Kindergarten Skating- Our first skating day will be on Dec.5th at the Civic Center, we leave school at 9:45am and skate from 10:10-10:50am. Students must wear skates and a CSA approved helmet on the ice at all times. Any parent is welcome to come and skate with their child (especially if they have never skated before) but, you also must wear skates on the ice, No Boots Allowed (City of Miramichi policy).A memo was sent home for parents to read on these safety rules.If your child does not have skates or a helmet, we do have a variety of skates, different sizes and some helmets at school that they can borrow. Please let me know before the 5th and I can try and fit them with a pair.A memo was sent home today for you to fill out and return by Tuesday Dec.3rd. Thanks.

It's going to be another busy week in Kindergarten but, lots of excitment as we begin our count down to Christmas. It's the most magical time of the year, and Kindergarten is the best place to be!! Can't wait to see all of my little ones smiling faces and hear what they thought of the first snow. Smile and be kind to each other! If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at school, 627-4074 or email Thanks!

Due Date: 

Posted: November 26, 2024

Hello everyone! We have a 4 day week ahead of us and you never know what the weather will bring as we near the end of November. Please remember to dress your little ones warmly in the chilly mornings, with a hat, mittens, a warmer jacket and boots. Thanks!   

Phys. Ed. Classes- We have phys.ed. classes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week.Please dress in comfy clothes and sneakers to run, exercise and play.Our extra phys.ed class on Wednesday afternoon is an outdoor class, so please dress for the weather. 

Cafeteria- Place your daily lunch orders online. Please let me know if your child is purchasing lunch or any item by,sending a note indicating exactly what they are ordering, along with the money in a baggie.Even if your child is only ordering milk or a cookie please send a note. Thanks for your support!

Water Bottles- Please send in a water bottle with your child each day. Thanks!

Library- We will exchange our library book on Thursday as there is no school Friday this week. Be sure to have someone read you your book throughout the week. We will return our book the following Friday so you will be able to sign out a new one.Thanks!

Homework- This week students will have a book to read called Who am I ? We have been working on the word am in class and the students are starting to see it more in print and attempting to use it in writing. Read the book each night and sign the reading log when you read. Students should print their own name, please. Students should point to each word as they read to ensure they are reading only that number of words in the sentence. Be sure to stop reading at the period. The Kinders are excited to be bringing a book home to share with their family. Please complete the 2 printing pages in the homework book. We are tracing the lower case letters of the alphabet on teh first page and students then must record these lowercase letters in alphabetical order on the second page. Please use a pencil when printing. Thanks. Students sometimes need a little extra help forming these letters properley.Return your book on Thursday, this week. Thanks!  

Christmas Dinner-A turkey dinner is scheduled for Dec.12th with no cost to the student. If your child would like this meal please sign and return the red slip that was sent home to school by Thursday Nov.28th. This will be the only meal served that day so, if your child does not like it, they will have to bring their lunch to school.

Book Orders went home on Monday, Nov.25th and,are due back on Thursday, Nov.28th. You can place your orders online or return to school with the correct amount of money and I will place the order for you. Thanks!

Report Cards go home on Tuesday Nov.26th. Please read and keep the report card and curriculum outline. Please sign and return the interview slip and response forms, in the envelope, on Wednesday Nov.27th, so I can schedule Parent\Teacher Interviews.I will send home an interview time in the agenda. If you are unable to attend interviews at this time, please let me know and I can re-schedule a more convient time for you.Please contact me at school, 627-4074.

Parent\Teacher Interviews will be held on Thursday Nov.28th from 4-6pm and Friday Nov.29th from 8:30-11:30pm. There is NO SCHOOL for students on Friday.

Christmas Shop- Our Home and School are having a Christmas Shop on Dec.9th and 10th for students to do Christmas shopping for their family. We ask for donations of used items and any wrapping paper, bows or bags,that you may no longer need, to be sent in to school by Dec.5th. We appreciate your support. 

Kindergarten Skating- Our first skating day will be on Dec.5th at the Civic Center, we leave school at 9:45am and skate until 10:50am. Students must wear skates and a CSA approved helmet on the ice at all times. Any parent is welcome to come and skate with their child (especially if they have never skated before) but, you also must wear skates on the ice, No Boots Allowed (City of Miramichi policy). If your child does not have skates or a helmet, we do have a variety of skates, different sizes and some helmets at school that they can borrow. Please let me know before the 5th and I can try and fit them with a pair. Thanks.

Looking forward to our final week of November together in kindergarten. Smile and be kind to each other! If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at school, 627-4074 or email Thanks!

Due Date: 

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Posted: November 11, 2024

As we reflect this Remembrance Day, let us never forget the sacrifices our brave Canadian Soldiers made so that we will have our freedom and the many blessings we hold so dear every day. For our tomorrow they gave their today!

Our week begins on Tuesday, Nov.12th.Please remember to dress your little ones warmly with hat, mittens and a warmer jacket and boots, now that the weather is cooler. Thanks.    

Phys. Ed. Classes- We have phys. ed. classes on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.Please dress in comfy clothes and sneakers to run, exercise and play.Our extra phys.ed class on Wednesday afternoon is an outdoor class, so please dress for the weather. 

Cafeteria- Place your daily lunch orders online. Please let me know if your child is purchasing lunch or any item by,sending a note indicating exactly what they are ordering, along with the money in a baggie.Even if your child is only ordering milk or a cookie please send a note. Thanks for your support!

Water Bottles- Please send in a water bottle with your child each day. Thanks!

Library- We will exchange our library book on Thursday, this week so please remember to bring your book back.Thanks!!

Homework- We will begin our homework this week. Students will be given a letter\sound recognition page. Students say each letter and its begining sound. If they do not recognize a letter please circle it. Throughout the week please review the letters and focus on those your child doesnot know. There is also a printing page, trace and make the letters we have focused on in class. Please use a pencil.Return your book on Thursday this week. Thanks!

No School for Students on Friday Nov.15th as this is a Professional Learning day for Teachers.    

Excited to see my little Kinders,smile and be kind to each other! If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at school, 627-4074 or email Thanks!

Posted: November 3, 2024

Hi everyone and welcome November!It's hard to imagine that November is already here and with it, there comes the cold weather especially in the mornings. Please dress your little ones warmly with hat, mittens and a warmer jacket and boots. Thanks!

This is a four day week as there is NO SCHOOL for students on Friday Nov.8th, which is a PD Day for Tachers. Also,there will be No School, Monday November 11th,Remembrance Day, as we take time to honour and remember all the brave men and women who sacrificed so much that we can live in freedom. Please take time to pause on Nov.11th at 11:00 to remember them.

Remembrance Day Service- Our annual school service will be held on Thursday, Nov.7th at 10:00am. Everyone is welcome to attend.    

Phys. Ed. Classes- We have phys. ed. classes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week.Please dress in comfy clothes and sneakers to run , exercise and play.Our extra phys.ed class on Wednesday afternoon is an outdoor class, so please dress for the weather. 

Cafeteria- Place your daily lunch orders online. Please let me know if your child is purchasing lunch or any item by,sending a note indicating exactly what they are ordering, along with the money in a baggie.Even if your child is only ordering milk or a cookie please send a note. Thanks for your support!

Water Bottles- Please send in a water bottle with your child each day. Thanks!

Library- We will have our library book for an extra week as there will no school on Friday.Thanks!!.        

Looking forward to a great week in Kindergarten. Smile and be kind to each other!                            If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at school, 627-4074 or email Thanks!

Posted: October 27, 2024

Wow can you believe it, we are in our final week of October, this month certainly flew bye.

We have a super fun week ahead of us as we are celebrating the Halloween season with our first School Spirit week. There is a different theme dress up day for the week and I would love to see our class have great participation, so please do your best to dress up each day. Thanks! Let's Go Kinders!! The weekly theme days are:

*Monday October 28th – Dress Like A Teacher Day                                              *Tuesday – October 29th – Costume Day – We will be having our Annual School\Class Costume Parade in the afternoon, so please bring your costume to school and we will change into our costumes right before the parade.                                                            *Wednesday – October 30th – Halloween Colours(Black\Orange) or Halloween Shirt Day          *Thursday October 31st – Happy Halloween! Spooky Sock Day- Halloween Shirt                  *Friday November 1st – Comfy Cozy \PJ Day

Phys. Ed. Classes- We have phys. ed. classes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week.Please dress in comfy clothes and sneakers to run , exercise and play.Our extra phys.ed class on Wednesday afternoon is an outdoor class, so please dress for the weather.

Cafeteria- Our cafeteria will be open Monday October 28th.Please see Information\Menu sheets in the document pages. Orders can be placed online. Please let me know if your child is purchasing lunch or any item by,sending a note indicating exactly what they are ordering, along with the money in a baggie.Even if your child is only ordering milk or a cookie please send a note so, both your child and I are aware of what you want them to buy. This will be a great help and greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Happy Halloween- We will be celebrating Halloween in class on Thursday. Treats are not neccessary, however, if you do send in a treat please ensure all treats are peanut\nut free. This is a school policy, as we have several students with sever nut allergies! Also a reminder, to please be mindul of this when sending treats (especially halloween chocolate bars) in your childs lunch cans.Thanks!

Water Bottles- Please send in a water bottle with your child each day. Thanks!

Library- Please return your library book every Friday in order to get a new book.If you forget your book bring it on Monday and we can go to the library to get you a new one.Thanks!!.                 

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at school, 627-4074 or email Thanks!

What an awesome week we have a head of us. Be sure to show your school spirit and dress up each day. Lets have a SPOOKTACULAR last week of October! Smile and be kind to each other! :) Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Posted: October 20, 2024


Hi everyone, hope you had a fun weekend! This week in Kindergarten:

Phys. Ed. Classes- We have phys. ed. classes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week.Please dress in comfy clothes and sneakers to run , exercise and play.We have an extra phys.ed class on Wednesday afternoon, which is an outdoor class. Please dress for the weather.

Scholastic Book orders went home on  Wednesday Oct. 16th. You can place the book order online at Scholastic Canada. Please use our classroom code found on the first page of the book order, the number is RC244367. You can also send your order and money into class by Wednesday if you are unable to order online. Book orders are due by Wednesday Oct. 22nd. Thanks!

 Walk for Wenjack-We will continue with our school Secret Path week until Oct.22. We will be out for a walk each day to do our part to reach our school challenge to walk 70 km during the month of October. We are expecting some sunny weather so it will be great for walking.

Water Bottles- Please send in a water bottle with your child each day. Thanks!

Library- Please return your library book every Friday in order to get a new book. Thanks!!

School Spirit Week-  We will be having a School Spirit Week during the last week of October, 28th – November 1st.Staff and students are asked to dress up according to the daily theme.                 

 *Monday October 28th – Dress Like A Teacher Day                                                     *Tuesday – October 29th – Costume Day – Dress Up - School Class Parade                                     *Wednesday – October 30th – Halloween Colours Day – Black\Orange                               *Thursday October 31st – Spooky Sock Day                                                                     *Friday November 1st – Comfy Cozy \PJ Day

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at school, 627-4074 or email Thanks!

Looking forward to seeing my little Kinders.Remember to Smile and be kind to each other!                     :) Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Posted: October 17, 2024

Here is the link for school clothing orders that are due by Oct.30th.All orders are placed online with River Signs.

Posted: October 14, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope you are enjoying your holiday weekend with your family and friends. I am very thankful for my lovely little Kinders who make me smile everyday. Looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday. 

Phys. Ed. Classes- We have phys. ed. classes on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.Please dress in comfy clothes and sneakers to run , exercise and play.We have an extra phys.ed class on Wednesday afternoon, which is an outdoor class. Please dress for the weather.

Scholastic Book orders go home on  Wednesday Oct. 16th. You can place the book order online at Scholastic Canada. Please use our classroom code found on the first page of the book order, the number is RC244367. You can also send your order and money into class by Wednesday if you are unable to order online. Book orders are due by Wednesday Oct. 22nd. Thanks!



Walk for Wenjack- Our school will be participating in the Secret Path week, Thursday Oct. 17-22. There is a school challenge to walk 70 km during the month of October. Our reconcilACTION is in honour of Chanie Wenjack (a tragic truth story of the Indian Residential Schools and a student who passed away Oct.17th.Gord Downie a Canadian music icon who told Chanies story through songs and stories and established the Downey-Wenjack Fund. He passed away on Oct.22nd ). The distance, 70km, represents the age Chanie would have been in 2024.

Purple Shirt Day- In honour of all residential school children, please wear purple on Friday Oct. 18th.

Water Bottles- Please send in a water bottle with your child each day. Thanks!

Library- Please return your library book every Friday in order to sign out a new book. Thanks!!

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at school, 627-4074 or email Thanks!

Have a great week at school,Kinders! Smile and be kind to each other! Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Posted: October 6, 2024

Happy October everyone! We have a busy week ahead and a long weekend to celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends. So much to be thankful for,especially celebrating with my little Kinders! 

Fletcher's Farm Field Trip- We will be walking to the farm from school on Monday Oct.7th. Please dress for the weather, rubber boots, jacket,if you did not pay your $3, please bring to class on Monday.Thanks! 

Fire Safety Week-This week we are learning about fire safety. We have been practicing fire drills at school and learning to go to our safe meeting place. Our city for fighters will be in to talk to the students on Wednesday. For homework, please practice fire drills at home,know 2 ways out and find a safe meeting place. Also, please check your smoke detectors, its time to replace the batteries. Thanks!!

Phys. Ed. Classes- We have phys. ed. classes Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week.Please dress in comfy clothes and sneakers on these days. On Wednesday's we have an extra phys.ed class in the afternoon which is an outdoor class. Please dress for the weather.

Water Bottles- Please send in a water bottle with your child each day. Thanks!

Library- Please return your library book every Friday in order to sign out a new book. Thanks!!

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at school, 627-4074 or email Thanks!

 I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanskgiving Day on Monday Oct.14th, enjoy your long weekend celebrate the your many blessings together with family and friends. Take care, smile and be kind to each other! Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Posted: September 29, 2024

Hi there, I hope you enjoying the last weekend of September, it's certainly hard to believe that we are starting the month of October. We have a four day week ahead, starting with No School Monday for the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. Please wear your orange shirt today and if possible attend the ceremony in Queen Elizabeth Park-Town Square at 10:00am. Take time to honour the survivors and remember all the children who did not make it home from ht eresidential school. All Children Matter!

School Terry Fox Walk- A huge thank you to all those who sent in donations, they are greatly appreciated. We are accepting donations until the end of this week.  

Phys. Ed. Classes- We have phys. ed. classes Tuesday and Wednesday this week.Please dress in comfy clothes and sneakers on these days. On Wednesday's we have an extra phys.ed class in the afternoon which is an outdoor class. Please dress for the weather.

Water Bottles- Please send in a water bottle with your child each day.It has been warm in class and outside and we have been refilling our water bottles throughout the day. Thanks!

Library- Please return your library book every Friday in order to sign out a new book. Thanks!!

Fletcher's Farm Field Trip- The Kindergarten classes will be walking to Fletchers Farm on Monday Oct. 7th at 8:45am to be there for 9:00am for a morning of fun. Please wear your rubber boots as the grass is quite wet in the mornings. The cost for students is $3.00 with the remainder being paid by Student Council. Please send in your money by Friday Oct.4th. We will be returning to school in time for lunch at 11:15 pm.Thanks!

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at school, 627-4074 or email Thanks!

 Have a lovely long weekend together with family and friends. Excited to see my little ones as we begin a new month together.Take care, smile and be kind to each other! Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Posted: September 22, 2024

Hi everyone I hope you enjoyed your weekend and celebrating the 1st day of Fall.We have a busy and special four day week ahead.

Annual School Terry Fox Walk- We will be holding our walk on Tuesday Sept. 24th at 1:00pm.Everyone is welcome to come and join us for this special event. All pledge sheets and donations are due on this day. We appreciate any donations offered. Together we can help keep Terry's dream alive.Thanks!!   

Orange Shirt Day is Friday Sept.24th. Please be sure to wear orange in honour of all children and  especially the victims and survivors of Residential Schools. All Children Matter!   

No School Monday Sept.30th in honour of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

Phys. Ed. Classes- We have phys. ed. classes every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.Please dress in comfy clothes and sneakers on these days. 

Water Bottles- Please send in a water bottle with your child each day.It has been warm in class and outside and we have been refilling our water bottles throughout the day. Thanks!

Library- Please return your library book every Friday in order to sign out a new book. Thanks!!

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at school, 627-4074 or email Thanks!

 Looking forward to another great week with our Kinders. We have some very important days to celebrate and learn about. Enjoy your long weekend and holiday Monday Sept.30th.                                      Take care, smile and be kind to each other! Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Posted: September 19, 2024

School Pictures- A form was sent home for you to go online to check your childs pictures.

Terry Fox Donation Form- Our school Terry Fox walk will be held on Tuesday Sept.24th. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. Please send in the donation sheet and money by the day of our walk. Thanks so much for helping to keep Terry's dream alive.

Posted: September 15, 2024

Wow, what a beautiful weekend. I hope you got outside to explore and enjoy the beautiful weather. We are settling well into our daily routine and learning to follow the school and I-CARE KID rules. We also have been practicing fire drills and lock down,playground safety and school bus safety\evacuation. There is a lot for the little ones to take in and remember, but we are consistently reviewing procedures and reassuring the children that we are only practicing in case of an ememrgency. It would be wonderful if you could also review safety rules at home with child. Thanks!

This week in Kindergarten....

Student Fee- If you have not already done so,please send in the $20 student for you child. Thanks!

Phys. Ed. Classes- We have phys. ed. classes every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.Please dress in comfy clothes and sneakers on these days. 

Water Bottles- Please send in a water bottle with your child each day.It has been warm in class and outside and we have been refilling our water bottles throughout the day. Thanks!

Library- We visited the library on Friday and your child signed out a book. The book was sent home in a freezer bag and should be returned every Friday, so your child can sign out a new book. Please read the library memo that was sent home in the library bag. Thanks!!

Extra Snacks- We have an afternoon recess and snack at 1:45-2:00 pm. Please send in 1 or 2  extra snacks for your child to have. Just a reminder, we are a peanut\nut free school, please check labels before sending snacks to school. Thank you for your support!

Terry Fox Walk-We will be having our annual school Terry Fox walk on Sept. 24th in the afternoon. We will be collecting donations for Terry's Marathon of Hope and keeping Terry's dream alive. We will be talking about Terry, reading books, watching videos in class. I know often this discussion is hard for some little ones to understand and Terry's story connects closely to so many of our own families. Please have a chat with your children of what you know of this amazing Canadian and the importance of the Terry Fox Walk. Thanks so much! Any donations would be greatley appreciated and more information about how to donate online will also be sent home.

Super excited to see everyone back at school on Monday.I am having a wonderful time getting to know your little Kinders. They are sweet, happy, full of energy and lots of laughs, they certainly help make the school day an exciting one. It is suppose to be very warm this week and will be also be warm in class so please dress for the weather and send an extra pair of shorts and a t-shirt in you childs book bag just in case.Thanks!

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at school, 627-4074 or email Thanks!

 Take care, smile and be kind to each other! Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen :)

Posted: September 2, 2024

Welcome to Kindergarten and a very happy fist day of school to all of my new little Kinders. I am super excited to see you and can't wait to get our year started. We are doing a staggered entry this year, so I will see Charlotte, Damien, Hannah, Hudson, Ian, Khushu, Rhys and Weston tomorrow, Tuesday Sept. 3rd.These children will not attend school on Wednesday. The rest of our friends,Ella, Emily, Harper, Julia, Lena, Owen and Zuri, will start school on Wednesday, Sept. 4th. We will all be together in class on Thursday, Sept.5th, it will be a super fun day for sure.

Arrival\Dismissial-Our first bell is at 8:10, we hope to have everyone in class by then. Dismissal is at 2:50pm. This is the first year for K-2 students to leave at this time. Our day is a little longer but, we will have an afternoon recess and our exploration time during the last period of the day. I am sure some of our Kinders may find the day long, so it's very important that they get a good nights sleep.


Agendas- Student agendas and folders will go home each night. Please read for information and check the folders for information sheets. Please read, sign and return these sheets as soon as possible and keep any memos found in the Leave Home side of the folder. Thanks!

Student Fee- There is a $20 fee for students for the year. Please send in by the end of the month. Thanks!

Phys. Ed. Classes- We have phys. ed. classes every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.Please dress in comfy clothes on these days. 

Water Bottles- Please send in a water bottle with your child each day. Thanks!

Cafeteria -Our school cafeteria is under new management this year. They will not be operating the first week of school so students will need to bring their lunch. We will inform you when the cafeteria will be open and send home the menu as soon as we receive it.

I am truly looking forward to seeing my little ones and can't wait for tommorrow and Wednesday. I know this is a big day and I am sure that we are all feeling a little nervous and excited, that's to be expected. With your support, together we will work to make this a terrific year for our little Kinders! If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at school, 627-4074 or email 


Take care, smile and be kind to each other! Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen :)

Posted: June 17, 2024

Happy Fathers Day! I hope you had a great weekend celebrating with your Dads and Grandfathers.

Wow, believe it or not,this is our final week of school and what a busy week it will be.   

Homework-Timelines- Your timelines are do by June 20th, but please send your timelines in as you complete them and  you can share them with the class. I can't wait to see your timelines. I will return it to you! 

 Phys.Ed-We have phys.ed classes everyday but,Thursday. Please dress in comfortable clothing and remember to wear your sneakers no crocs or sandals, as we will be going outside for classes when the weather is nice.

Student Appreciation Day- A huge thank you to our Home and School and everyone who came out to participate in our totally awesome Raiders celebration.We loved everthing and certainly had a fabuloue day, thanks to so many wonderful vounteers.

K-2 Sports Day- Tuesday, June 18th is our Sports Day. Students are asked to dress in comfy clothes and wear their outddor sneakers as we will be doing several running activities outside. Please wear a hat, sunscreen and bugspray. Remember to bring your water bottle. For lunch we are ordering pizza. Please fillout and return the pizza slip (with the money) by Monday, June 17th. Thanks!

School Awards Day- Will be held on Thursday June, 20th starting at 9:00 am in the gym.

Report Cards will be handed out on Friday June 21st at the end of the day.

Our last day of Kindergarten will be Friday June 21st. I will miss all of my little Kinders very much. We had a wonderful year and I am so very proud of each of you. You have come a long way since your first day at Nelson Rural. I hope you have a super fun and safe summer vacation. Take care and Smile, Smile, Smile, and please be kind to each other!!

Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen :) 
