This message is to confirm that students will be returning to in-person learning at school tomorrow, Thursday, December 16th, as long as they have completed two negative rapid tests (today and tomorrow morning), that is, unless they have been directed by Public
Our annual Christmas Shop will be held on Tuesday , December 14th. We are seeking donations for the shop, as well as donations of wrapping paper, bags, tissue, tape, and tags.
Tomorrow is our first Jersey Day of the Year. Wear your favorite team/sport shirt. If you don't have one, feel free to wear school colors or our very own school clothing.
Our Liter-Action Day is Monday! Our student body will be spending much of the day earning their pledges by reading and being physically active. All pledge sheets should be brought in along with any money collected to date. Wear your school-clothing or school colors to show your team spirit. Work hard and have fun. Go Raiders, Do!
Welcome Back to face-to-face learning tomorrow. Please read attached letter from our Superintendent found at the right of the screen under "News". A few points to remember as we return: