
Posted: November 7, 2021

Good evening Nelson Rural School Community,


This is just a reminder that, due to the ongoing job action, all schools in ASD-N will continue with learning from home this coming week.  We will share any updates that we receive.  Thank you for your continued patience and cooperation.

Posted: November 5, 2021

Please note, rapid tests (POCT) are not available at the school. If families want to pick up rapid tests they can do so at 365 Wellington Street between 1:00 and 6:00, but close contacts must still follow the isolation requirements stated on the letter they received from public health. Thank you

Posted: November 4, 2021

Good evening, Nelson Rural Families.

Posted: November 4, 2021

Good evening, Nelson Rural Families.

Posted: November 4, 2021

Good afternoon, Nelson Rural Families.

Posted: November 4, 2021

Good morning, Nelson Rural Families.

Posted: November 3, 2021

Our fundraiser is in full swing.  Students are collecting pledges and donations for our student council.  Pledge sheets should be returned when we are back at school.  Our Liter-Action activity day is on November 16th when students will be engaged in sustained reading and physical activity.  All students are challenged to engage in sustained reading for 1 hour.  K-2 students will also have 1 hour of physical activity, students in grades 3-5 will do 1.5 hours of physical activity, and students in grades 6-8 will do 2 hours of physical acitivty.  Our goal is to raise at least $10000 for our s

Posted: November 2, 2021

Another confirmed case of Covid-19 has been identified at Nelson Rural School.

Posted: November 1, 2021

Our Remembrance Day Ceremony will be virtual again this year with a tentative date of November 10th.

Posted: November 1, 2021

A Letter to Families regarding Home Learning.


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