Ms. Hitchman

welcome back!

Posted: March 29, 2021

Le printemps!

Posted: March 15, 2021


Posted: February 8, 2021

Happy Monday everyone!
Here is the homework for this week:
Literacy: Sound of the week " S". Students are to practice the sound of the week and practice the sound words in their homework folder. There are two sheets for this sound. I will post the sound video below!
Sight words: Students are to practice their sight words in their word wallet. I chose words with the "S" sound as well. If they are able to say the word at a glance, they can move it to the right side of the word wallet, and they will be quizzed on Friday. Video will be posted as well.
Read 1-2 books each night (Either on Je lis, Bouliki, or physical books in your yellow folder) Students have a new book this week "Qui travaille dans la communauté?". I didn't send home any other books, as I would like them to focus on this book this week. There will be a Valentine's book sent home tomorrow as well!
Math: There is no task card this week. I would like them to play the addition activity in their yellow folders. If they have a dry erase marker or counters, they can play multiple times and they can keep the sheet in the plastic cover. If they do not, they can color in the hearts. They can send it back on Friday! Have fun!!
I added two new assignments on Zorbit as well. Students can work on these two assignments if they can log on.
Have a great week!
Mme Hitchman

Posted: January 25, 2021

Sound of the week

Here is the sound of the week! :) Remember to go fishing! 

Posted: January 25, 2021

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the sunny weather this weekend!
Here is the homework for this week:
Literacy: Sound of the week " è for Ève Escargot " Students are to practice the sound of the week and practice the sound words in their homework folder. I will post the sound video below! The action is to act like they are holding a fishing rod with their left hand and cast it downwards.
Sight words: Students are to practice their sight words in their word wallet. If they are able to say the word at a glance, they can move it to the right side of the word wallet, and they will be quizzed on Friday. Video will be posted as well. MERCI Kenzie!
Read 1-2 books each night (Either on Je lis, Bouliki, or physical books in your yellow folder) Students have a new book this week "Comment vas-tu à l'école?", as we are working on a unit of transportation and communities. 
Math: Math task card: Skip counting by 2 to 20! They can use pairs of socks or they can go on a scavenger hunt to find other ways to make pairs!
*Students may have a math worksheet to finish as well if they have missed a day, or didn't complete it in class. Our focus this week in Math is on Subtraction and making friendly numbers.
Exploration: For our unit on Communities, we will be completing a project on where they live. If possible, I would like students to bring in a picture of their house, one of themselves, one of their community if possible, and one of something around their home such as a river, or perhaps their road. They will be using these 4 pictures for their project. You can also email them to me and I can print them as well. They can bring them in when possible, I would like to have them all collected by next Wednesday if possible.
Have a great week!
Mme Hitchman

Posted: January 18, 2021

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
Here is the homework for this week:
Literacy: Sound of the week "Soft G sound" Students are to practice the sound of the week and practice the sound words in their homework folder.
Sight words: Students are to practice their sight words in their word wallet. Please get them to cut them up. "Ils vont" is together. If they are able to say the word at a glance, they can move it to the right side of the word wallet, and they will be quizzed on Friday.
Read 1-2 books each night (Either on Je lis, Bouliki, or physical books in your yellow folder) Students have an EMOTION book they created that they are to read at least once at home.
Math: Math task card: create the number words 6-10 at home using different materials, such as lego, sand, play dough.
Students may have a math worksheet to finish as well if they have missed a day, or didn't complete it in class. Our focus this week in Math is counting on, and using doubles to help us find doubles +1.
In exploration, we are learning about emotions. I would like students to try to guess the emotion in this video. We did a few in class today. There are many other emotion videos on TFO as well if they want to look at more. 
Have a great week!
Mme Hitchman
Sound of the week: 

Posted: January 11, 2021

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! The weather was beautiful for January!
Here is the homework for this week:
Literacy: Sound of the week "Hard G sound" Students are to practice the sound of the week and practice the sound words in their homework folder.
Sight words: Students are to practice their sight words in their word wallet. If they are able to say the word at a glance, they can move it to the right side of the word wallet, and they will be quizzed on Friday.
Read 1-2 books each night (Either on Je lis, Bouliki, or physical books in your yellow folder)
Math: Math task card: create the number words 1-5 at home using different materials, such as lego, sand, play dough.
Students may have a math worksheet to finish as well if they have missed a day, or didn't complete it in class.
Have a wonderful week!
Mme Hitchman

Posted: January 4, 2021

Sound of the week!

Here is the sound of the week! :) 

Posted: January 3, 2021

Bonne année à tous!
I Hope you all had a wonderful and restful holiday break with your families! I can't wait to see all your kiddos tomorrow!
We will be getting back into our weekly routine tomorrow.
I will be sending home the sound of the week along with a New Year's book for them to read for the week. We will be introducing the pronoun "nous" meaning "we" and finishing our unit on their feelings and emotions. We will also be discussing "personal goals" for the new year!
There will be no new sight words this week as I will be doing a review.
Also, the province is asking that everyone in the schools "mask up" for the first 2 weeks of school (there is more information on our school FB page and in the letter sent home in December). This is not mandatory but when possible, strongly encouraged to help curb potential spread of any exposure to covid.
Also, winter seems to have found us, so students are reminded to dress appropriately for the weather.
Happy New Year!
Mme Hitchman

Posted: December 25, 2020

Here is our grade 1FI class at their "virtual" Christmas Concert 2020! 

Joyeux Noël!! 

Mme HItchman


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