Posted: October 26, 2020
Ms. Hitchman
welcome back!
Posted: October 26, 2020
Le son U
Posted: October 26, 2020
Happy Monday! Il neige! Students were pretty excited to see the first snow today! Still a bit early I think.
Here is the homework for the week:
Lecture: Students received a new book today: "Joyeuse Halloween". They are to practice reading the book at least three times this week. It is very repetitive as well. Some students need to finish coloring it. I am asking that students leave it in their yellow folder as we are doing an activity with it tomorrow.
We have started using browsing Books as well in the classroom so some students may have an extra book in their yellow folders. They are to try to read that book as well! A reminder to color in their pumpkins on the back of their home folder.
Les sons: Students can listen to the sound poem on my teacher page, and sing along with the song while doing the action. The sound is "U" this week. They are to cup their hand like a U when they hear that sound. Their sound words are also in their sheet protector this week.
Les Mots: Their 5 new sight words are in their word wallets. They are to practice saying them aloud. They can also create these words with a tray of salt or with playdough!
Maths: The new math task is in their word wallets for the week since it is a short week! Students do not have to show their pattern to me, but if they would like to send a picture of their creative way to make a repeating pattern, I would love to see it!
- Students are to finish the assignments in Zorbit as well this week.
- If students have costume pictures to send in, please email them to me by tomorrow at the latest as we will begin our writing on Wednesday.
- Student Photos are due on Thursday.
- ORANGE & BLACK day is on Thursday
- No School for students on Friday this week
Joyeuse Halloween!!!
Mme Hitchman
Posted: October 23, 2020
Posted: October 21, 2020
La chanson des squelettes
Another cute little halloween song!
Posted: October 21, 2020
Halloween Halloween
Another great song for the upcoming Halloween!
Posted: October 21, 2020
C'est l'halloween!
This is a great halloween song to work on halloween vocabulary!
Here is the other version of this song:
Posted: October 20, 2020
Just a few reminders:
- The school will be providing fruit & veggie trays for all classes on the 29th for our Halloween celebrations. As per Covid regulations, we can not have treats sent in on that day.
- October 29th is Orange and Black day. Students are encouraged to wear orange and Black!
- No school for students on the 30th as it is a PD day for teachers (Happy Halloween!)
- The Primary classes normally have a Costume Parade for students, but because we are not able to send in costumes this year due to Covid restrictions, I have decided to have VIRTUAL Costume Parade for my students!! This means, any student who would like to dress in their costume at home and take either a photo or video of them in their costume can send it to my email
I will put it all together in a slide show so that each student can describe their costume at school to their classmates. Every year I use this as a great writing opportunity and students seem to really enjoy it! If your child would like to participate, please send me the picture of video of them in costume by this Sunday so that I can prepare the slide show.
Happy Halloween!!
Mme Hitchman
Posted: October 19, 2020
Sound of the week
Posted: October 19, 2020
This song will also help with family vocabulary :)