Ms. Hitchman

welcome back!

Just a reminder that tomorrow is ...

Posted: September 28, 2020

Sound of the week-  28 septembre

Students are asked to listen and sing along once a night. 

Posted: September 28, 2020

Happy Monday! Today was a busy day working on Terry Fox activities.
Homework: Students are to go on the teacher page and listen to the new sound of the week "i" and do the action while they are singing.
I will be sending home their new book on Wednesday to give them time to practice.
Math: Students are to work on Zorbit Math. If you are unable to use Zorbit math, they can go to and work on number bonds to 10.
Reminders: Please check the agendas each day for important notes.
Tomorrow we will be going to Fletcher's Farm. It is calling for a bit of rain but warm temperatures so students are asked to dress accordingly. Rain boots, rain jacket, etc. It is suppose to clear up by lunch so students can bring their outdoor sneakers as well for recess.
We are still collecting for the Terry Fox walk. Our class goal is to collect $40. We are up to $15! If we meet our goal, we will have extra recess time outside! 

Posted: September 26, 2020

This year, Scholastic Book Club has changed a bit due to Covid. I normally send home flyers to parents with a Due date if they would like to order any books for their children. This year, we will be going online! All the Digi-flyers will be assessible online at 

If any parents would still like a paper copy of the flyers, please let me know and I will send one home, however Scholastic has made a condensed version with all grade levels so not all books are listed on the paper copy. 

There are also flyers online for beginning French books as well that can help beginning learners! 

:) Happy reading! 

Mme Hitchman

PDF icon scholasti_parent_letter.pdf88.29 KB

Posted: September 26, 2020

This year, Scholastic Book Club has changed a bit due to Covid. I normally send home flyers to parents with a Due date if they would like to order any books for their children. This year, we will be going online! All the Digi-flyers will be assessible online at 

If any...

Posted: September 21, 2020

Here is the song that will help students when reading their book.

Posted: September 21, 2020

Bon lundi tout le monde! 

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!! 

Here is the homework for the week: 

  1. Reading: Read their new french book once each night. This is their first french book that they can take home and they bring it back to school on Friday! We have been working on saying how old we are, so this book fits right in! If they are having trouble pronouncing any of the words, they can listen to the song on my teacher page to help them. We also went over different ways to help us read, such as following with our finger to each word, looking at the picture first, and sounding it out. Have fun! 
  2. Permission slips went home for our Fletcher Farm trip, please sign and return to school. $2.00 for trip, and the school will be paying the rest. 
  3. Sound of the week: We are working on our first sound of the week "A". I put the sound poem on my teacher page, they can sing along with it. 
  4. Zorbit Math: Students are to log in to Zorbit math 2 times per week and work on numbers and patterns. They created a pattern today and they are to bring it back to school to hang on our math wall! 
  5. Bring Library book back on Thursday 
  • Bus evacuation: We will be having a practice bus evacuation on Thursday.

Have a wonderful week! 

Mme Hitchman


Posted: September 20, 2020

Here is our first sound of the week! Le son A. :) Students are to practice this song once each night this week. 

Posted: September 17, 2020

We are learning the months of the year in class and this song goes over them all and is a great song for learning birthdays!

Posted: September 16, 2020


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