Ms. Hitchman

welcome back!

Posted: November 7, 2020

Happy Monday! 
Here is the homework for the week:
Lecture: Students are to read 1-2 books each night this week. This week, their main book is "Le Jour du Souvenir"
They can read the books in their homework bag, or books on Je lis Je lis website. Students also enjoy the "Bouliki" website and can sign up for free. This website has a reading comprehension quiz at the end of the book. They can click on the Audio ear to hear the questions and answers. 
*Students are to colour an acorn for every book they read in their reading logs! The more books read, the more vocabulary they will build in French! The reading log sheet included is communication for me to see if they find their book too hard, too easy..etc. Please sign and return.
Les sons: Students can listen to the sound poem on my teacher page, and sing along with the song while doing the action. The sound is "oi" this week. The action is to press their thumb and index finger together and put it up to the corner of their eye and say the sound "oi" Their sound words are also in their sheet protector this week.
Les Mots: Their new sight words are in their word wallets. They are to practice saying them aloud. They can also build their words at home using magnetic letters, playdough, lego, salt in a tray, etc or write them in the air with their finger.
Maths: The new math task is in their word wallets for the week! They are to find 5 3D objects around the house and think of something they all have in common! Students are to complete their assignments on Zorbit Math as well.
Reminders this week: 
Monday: Homework assigned (We will be collecting Poppy donations all week) Some students are to finish their Math sheets and all students have a word sheet TOI to finish by Friday. All homework sent home is to be completed by Friday. 
Tuesday: Remembrance day virtual ceremony will take place at 1pm live streamed on School fb page "Nelson Rural School Information".
Wednesday: Remembrance Day: No school for students
Thursday: Library (return books)
Friday: Return any homework assigned this week (Students may have math or word work sheets if not completed in class)
Have a wonderful week! 
Je me souviens 
Mme Hitchman

Posted: November 6, 2020

Remembrance day video

This is a nice video we are watching in class on Monday. 

Posted: November 6, 2020

Jour du souvenir

This short video talks about why we wear a poppy for Remembrance day. :) 

Posted: November 6, 2020

Les Dizaines

This song is great for learning number words and groups of tens. 

Posted: November 5, 2020

A few clips of their presentations they did today for their "Ma Famille" projects. They did a great job on their houses in the Maker Space and worked very hard in their writing! Super travail! The full videos of all students will be up shortly. 

Posted: November 2, 2020

Sight Words

Here is the review of our first list of sight words. Students can repeat after each one to practice pronounciation! 

Posted: November 2, 2020

This week, students are working on a project on their Family!
They will be constructing their "Houses" in the Maker Space and then adding their writing to it.
I am asking that parents please write the names of the family members who live in the same house as the child in theAgendas so that student's have the correct spelling. Thank you for your help with this!
Mme Hitchman

Posted: November 1, 2020

Sound of the week OU

Posted: November 1, 2020

Happy November!
Here is the homework for the week:
Lecture: Students will be bringing home browsing books this week! They are to practice reading the books each night. 
*The New reading logs are being sent home as well. students are to colour an acorn for every book they read! The more books read, the more vocabulary they will build in French! The reading log sheet included is communication for me to see if they find their book too hard, too easy..etc.
Les sons: Students can listen to the sound poem on my teacher page, and sing along with the song while doing the action. The sound is "OU" this week. They are to cup their hand like an O and put up to their mouth. Their sound words are also in their sheet protector this week.
Les Mots: Their 6 new sight words are in their word wallets. They are to practice saying them aloud. They can try to build the words with lego at home or draw them in a pan of salt! 
Maths: The new math task is in their word wallets for the week!  They can count in the car, count outside, count while drawing the numbers out on pavement with chalk, their choice! 
  • I would also like Students to complete the assignment on Zorbit Math.

Posted: October 31, 2020

Joyeuse Halloween les amis! Here is the video of our virtual costume parade! Great costumes everyone! I hope you have a fun and safe time trick or treating tonight!


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