Posted: November 7, 2020
Ms. Hitchman
Posted: November 6, 2020
Remembrance day video
This is a nice video we are watching in class on Monday.
Posted: November 6, 2020
Jour du souvenir
This short video talks about why we wear a poppy for Remembrance day. :)
Posted: November 6, 2020
Les Dizaines
This song is great for learning number words and groups of tens.
Posted: November 5, 2020
A few clips of their presentations they did today for their "Ma Famille" projects. They did a great job on their houses in the Maker Space and worked very hard in their writing! Super travail! The full videos of all students will be up shortly.
Posted: November 2, 2020
Sight Words
Here is the review of our first list of sight words. Students can repeat after each one to practice pronounciation!
Posted: November 2, 2020
Posted: November 1, 2020
Sound of the week OU
Posted: November 1, 2020
- I would also like Students to complete the assignment on Zorbit Math.
Posted: October 31, 2020
Joyeuse Halloween les amis! Here is the video of our virtual costume parade! Great costumes everyone! I hope you have a fun and safe time trick or treating tonight!