Ms. Hitchman

welcome back!

Posted: June 9, 2020

We had another great skype session today! Thank you to all my grade 1s who were able to join me!! 

Posted: June 8, 2020

Try to solve this Math problem by tracing and cutting out the unit cube and using the cube to measure each mode of transportation. 

Which is the shortest?

Which is the longest?

Here are some activities students can do for the month of June for wellness! Have fun! 

Posted: June 8, 2020

Here are the STEAM activities for this week! Try to make the model boat with tinfoil and see if it will float! :) I would love to see pictures or videos of that! 

PDF icon asdn_weekly_steam_issue_10.pdf710.89 KB

Posted: June 7, 2020

Week 10 choice board 

Posted: June 7, 2020

Bon lundi tout le monde! 

This will be the last week of home learning for this school year. Please check the choice board and documents attached for some fun activities to end the year! This year has ended a bit differently for us all, and know that I have missed my students so much during this time. I did enjoy communicating by phone to parents and seeing my class on our skype calls though! :) 

Even though this is our last week, students can continue reading throughout the summer to work on comprehension and fluency. This will help for when we return in September. I will be posting any website links that will continue to be free for the summer months. You can also go back on my teacher page and work on any activities that you may not have gotten to during home learning. 

I hope you all have a safe and fun summer and I can't wait to see everyone in the fall! Again, if you need anything, I am only an email away at

Also, I hope to see everyone on our last skype call this week! Please check your emails for the invite. 

Bonne vacances de l'été!

Mme Hitchman

Posted: June 7, 2020

Le son gn

Here is the last sound for home learning. Students are encouraged to continue reviewing all sounds taught under the weblinks section.


Posted: June 3, 2020

This weekly document talks about the Pow wow's and the drum beats. There are some great videos to watch as well. 

Try out the Math game provided and try to create the same drum beat!

Posted: June 3, 2020

For anyone who is registered for the Virtual Olympics, here is the link for the video for Day 8!


Have fun! 

Mme Hitchman

Posted: June 2, 2020

Kailey a fait un bon travail sur "Je lis!", wow! 


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