Ms. Hitchman

welcome back!

Posted: May 11, 2020

Hi everyone!! Some exciting news from our school district! They are having a VIRTUAL Olympics!

Below is the link to the Virtual Olympics of Track and Field and other athletic events that you can track and put in scores to win as a school.

It would be SO nice to see the whole class register and see if we can win! It would be a great way to come together as a class considering we are all physically apart. 

ASDN Virtual Olympics Registration Link:

Posted: May 10, 2020

Bon lundi!! Happy Monday! I hope all the moms had a wonderful Mother's day!

We are now on to week 6 of home learning and I hope all my families have settled into a routine! I miss my students very much and I love hearing from them each week! I also send weekly emails to everyone, but have heard that some are finding them in their "Junk" emails, so if you haven't been seeing them, please check your junk mail! :) 

I have added a few websites to my weblinks that you can check out as well and I also my class to Razkids reading website so that they can use it until the July. The log-in instructions are on the document attached. 
Also, please go over the other documents attached along with the choice board! 

Again, if you have any questions you can email me at or if you would like to share any pictures of students learning at home for me to share to the teacher page! I would love to see them! 

Raz Kids Reading:

Teacher name: Hitchman2020 , click on your name, then "Nelson" is the password

Another audio french book website:

Have a wonderful week! 

Mme Hitchman

Posted: May 10, 2020

Math Playground

Posted: May 10, 2020

Zone des petits

Posted: May 10, 2020

Sound of the week!

Here is the sound of the week! Reminder to students that "ph" is the "F" sound as well. 

Posted: May 10, 2020

Grille de 100

This is a great tool to use when counting to 100 and skip counting using the paint colours! 

Posted: May 10, 2020

Super travail Owen! Owen was reading one of his french books online! 

Posted: May 10, 2020

Owen is doing such a terrific job with his reading! Keep it up, Owen! 

Posted: May 7, 2020

Hi Parents! 
The french website "Je lis" is experiencing issues with their audio portion for the books, however students can still read them. Until the audio part is back up and running, students can also use "ensemble chez nous" website:
This is a great website with narrative and informative books that students can read along with the audio or listen first and then read the book themselves. 
Happy reading! Bonne lecture! 
Mme Hitchman


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