Ms. Hitchman

welcome back!

Posted: April 27, 2020

Le Printemps

A Spring song to sing along to! 

Posted: April 27, 2020

Le son ui

This song will help in learning the new sound of the week "ui"! 

Posted: April 27, 2020

Posted: April 27, 2020

The sound of the week is "ui". This sound talks about Madame Trout who ate 8 oysters cooked in olive oil! It smelled in the kitchen so the action is to use your hand like a fan, and fan your noise to get rid of the smell! ...

Posted: April 26, 2020

Bonjour tout le monde!! 

I hope you all had a wonderful, sunny weekend! The weather is starting to feel like Spring! I hope you will be able to do some home learning outside this week with some of the activities provided. 

  • Just a reminder that I will be posting my sound of the week every Monday. These are all new sounds for students, and there will be a youtube video attached to watch as well to help learn these new sounds. 
  • I received great feedback about my videos I uploaded, so I will be creating more this week! Keep an eye out! 
  • Another reading site students can use is They have great french books and is a great resource. If you would like a username or password and log in, please send me an email. 
  • I noticed many students are doing a wonderful job on DreamBox Math! Keep it up! I already noticed some receiving badges in both "Je lis" reading website and Dreambox Math! Bravo les amis! Students can read a book this week from the website and draw a new book cover from the attached document as well! 

Posted: April 26, 2020

Bonne fête a Dax!! Dax is celebrating a birthday today!

We would like to wish him a terrific birthday! 

Posted: April 24, 2020

Bravo Jacob! Tu as fait un bon travail! Super! 

Mme Hitchman

Posted: April 23, 2020

It is so nice to see my students participating in Earth day! Bon travail tout le monde!! 

Seth planted seeds and Brielle was picking up garbage and keeping the streams clean! Bravo mes amis!! 

Posted: April 23, 2020

Bonne fête à Dexter! Dexter is celebrating a birthday today!
Wishing you a terrific day! 
Mme Hitchman and class! 

Posted: April 23, 2020

Salut tout le monde! 
I added a little math video for one more, one less... This was on DreamBox as one of their long term goals, so I thought I would make a short video for them. I hope it helps! 
Mme Hitchman


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