Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Our Happy Kinders~

Posted: June 10, 2024

We have enjoyed visiting Miss Sullivan's class to watch the caterpillars grow and turn into beautiful painted lady butterflies.

Posted: June 10, 2024

We have been having lots of fun at school. We had fun exploring and being creative with STEAM bins, designing posters and drawings, looking for bugs and slugs outside, built towers with blocks and we even helped Mrs.Dickson plant...

Posted: June 9, 2024

Hi there! I hope you had a fun weekeknd, despite the rainy weather.This week we have some fun events planned, starting with our class field trip to the Bowling Alley and Dairy Queen for lunch, on Monday June 10th.It should be a lot of fun as we are excited to join our friends in Mrs. Pooles Kindergarten Class.   

Homework- This week read your 2 books throughout the week.Point to the words, look for sight words,use the picture for cues and sound out the unknown words. Sign your reading log each time you read the book.

Timelines- A timeline page will be sent home this week to be filled out and returned by next Thursday, June 20th. You are asked to share 3 pictures ( birth, 2-3years old and now) of your child on the timeline. Please talk to your child about what they were like at each age. Did they have a favourite stuffy or a favourite song, book, show when they were young? What was their first word? Did they like\dislike a certain food?etc. Write a little note to go with each picture, but please be sure that your child knows what the picture is about as they will be presenting their timelines to the class. Send your time lines in as you complete them and I will return it to you! This is always a fun activity to end our year with. It's neat to see how much your little ones have changed since they were babies. Thanks and have fun travelling down memory lane with your little one.

 Phys.Ed-We have phys.ed classes everyday but, Thursday. Please dress in comfortable clothing and remember to wear your sneakers no crocs or sandals, as we will be going outside for class when the weather is nice.

Student Appreciation Day- Our Home and School will sponsor a day of fun on Friday, June 14th to show our Raiders how much they appreciated at Nelson Rural! More details will follow this week!

Remember to bring your water bottle to school each day.

HAPPY FATHERS DAY- A huge thank you to all of our Dads and Grandfathers for everthing you do for us. We hope you have a wonderful Fathers Day ! WE LOVE YOU!

We are in for a super fun week Kinders, so Smile, Smile, Smile and please be kind to each other!!

Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen :)

Posted: June 9, 2024


Sun, Jun 16/24 (All day)

Wishing all our Dads and Grandfathers a very Happy Father's Day on Sunday, June 16th. We appreciate everything you do for us! 

Posted: June 9, 2024


Fri, Jun 14/24 9:00 am

Our Home and School have a day of outdoor fun activities planned to show appreciation to the wonderful students at Nelson Rural School! It is always a fun filled day! Way to go Raiders!!

Posted: June 4, 2024


Fri, Jun 7/24 (All day)


Tue, Jun 4/24 3:17 pm

Posted: June 4, 2024


Mon, Jun 10/24 9:00 am

Posted: June 4, 2024

What an exciting day, as we met the earth rangers and their friends Blue, a Savannah monitor lizard and Nacho, a curl crested aracari. Two very cool animals!

Posted: June 2, 2024

Happy June, everyone! Can you believe it, your little Kinders are in their last month of school. So hard to believe our year is almost done.Our first June weekend was a beautiful one. I hope that you were able  to get outside to enjoy it!! Here's what's going on this week in Kindergarten!    

Homework- This week read your 2 books throughout the week.Point to the words, look for sight words,use the picture for cues and sound out the unknown words. Sign your reading log each time you read the book. In Math play the card game Crazy 8, this is a spin on the original Crazy 8 game, as we are looking for partners of 8. We have been playing in class, so the children will love to show you how to play. The rules will be sent home on Monday, and can be found below.Have Fun!!

 Phys.Ed-We have phys.ed classes everyday but, Thursday. Please dress in comfortable clothing and wear your sneakers for outdoor play. With the warmer weather many of our gym classes have been outdoors, so it is very important to continue to wear sneakers, no crocs or sandals, please.

Library- All library books are due by June 7th. If you have not already done so, please return your library book to school. Thanks!

Field Trip- On Monday, June 10th the Kindergarten classes will be going to the bowling alley to bowl and have lunch at DQ. A permission slip and lunch menu will be sent home on Tuesday of this week and is due back on Friday, June 7th. Please fill out your childs lunch order and return it with the $7 to school.The school will cover the cost of bowling for each child ($7). 

Participaction Community Challenge- Our school and district is enetered in the Participaction challenge to try and make our Nelson Rural community the most active community.Any activitywe do at school and home counts. So register online and help Nelson get active!  Please read the poster attached. Let's Go Raiders!

Don't forget to bring your water bottle to school everyday, especially since we are spending more time outdoors, with the nice weather.

Let's have a great first week of June, Kinders! Smile and be kind to each other!!

Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen :)

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Added: Sat, Mar 8 2025


Added: Sun, Apr 23 2023


Kindergarten Homework October 22-26
Kindergarten Homework October 15-19th