Can you believe it, we are at the end of April and heading into May. What a lovely weekend we had some bright sunny weather, a great time to get out and enjoy the beauty of Spirng. This is a 3 day week for the students. There is NO SCHOOL on Thursday, May 2 and Friday May 3rd due to NBTA meetings.
Weather- Yes the weather is nicer and sunny but, it is still very cool in the morning when the children arrive at school.We get the cool air from the river so may of the children find it cold in the morning. Please continue to send a jacket, hat and mittens\gloves in your childs bookbag. By lunch, we usually don't need the warmer clothes but, they are still neccessary in the early morning and recess at 10:00am. Thanks!
Homework- This week play a math game, Magic 6's, Lucky 7's or 7 UP. We are working on measurement, tall and short. Today we measured how long the students were with string. The children are taking the string home and are to find 3 things that are as long as the ir string. Have Fun! Play Read for Speed sight word game. Roll the dice and read the sight words under that number.Return the sheet to class. Students have 2 books in the front sleeve of their homework book.Read your books throughout the week.Point to the words, look for sight words,use the picture for cues and sound out the unknown words. Sign your reading log each time you read the book. You can keep your book for Thursday and Friday and return on Monday. Thanks.
Phys.Ed-We have phys.ed classes Monday-Wednesday. Please dress in comfortable clothing.
Jump Rope For Heart- We will be doing our fundraiser jump day on May 1st, at school. Envelopes were sent home with students. If your child plans to participate in this very worthwhile cause please send in the envelope by deadline Monday April, 29th. Please include all money and sponsors names and addresses on the envelope. Thanks so much!
Please remember to bring your water bottle to school everyday.
It's a short but, busy week ahead. So let's have a great week, Kinders! Smile and be kind to each other!! Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen :)