Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Our Happy Kinders~

Congratulations Gage on being choosen as our I-CARE Kid for May. We are very proud of this sweet little boy! 

Posted: June 2, 2024

The children did a great job wiith their directed drawing of these cute little frogs. They followed each step given to design a frog and then added a lilly pad and the water for the pond. Some got creative with adding a tongue , so their frog could catch some flies. Fantastic job,...

Posted: June 2, 2024

We had a lot of fun with the walking water experiment. The children had to make a prediciton of what they thought would happen.. Ten drops of  red, yellow , blue and red were placed in the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th cups of water. Rolled...

We had a super fun day with Mr. Taylor. He started the day with a snack and then play time until recess. We played math games on the computer, and then off to gym outside. After lunch we had a short nap and then headed back outside...

Posted: May 26, 2024

Hello everyone, can you belive it, we are entering our last week of May! Wow the month just flew by.It was a lovely weekend and a busy time on the river with so may people out fishing. It was awesome to see sooo many boats on the river.    

Homework- This week read your 2 books throughout the week.Point to the words, look for sight words,use the picture for cues and sound out the unknown words. Sign your reading log each time you read the book. Review your sight words this week with Read for Speed sheet. 

 Phys.Ed-We have phys.ed classes everyday but Thursday. Please dress in comfortable clothing and wear your sneakers for outdoor play. With the warmer weather many of our gym classes have been outdoors, so it is very important to continue to wear sneakers, no crocs or sandals, please.

Don't forget to bring your water bottle to school everyday, especially since we are spending more time outdoors, with the nice weather.

Let's have a super fun last week of May, Kinders! Smile and remember to be kind to each other!!

Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen :)

Posted: May 20, 2024

Hi there everyone, I hope you are enjoying the lovely holiday Monday and had a great weekend. Looking forward to our week together.  

Homework- This week read your 2 books throughout the week.Point to the words, look for sight words,use the picture for cues and sound out the unknown words. Sign your reading log each time you read the book. Play the send  sight word game. Roll the dice and trace the words under the list.

 Phys.Ed-We have phys.ed classes Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday. Please dress in comfortable clothing.

Please remember to bring your water bottle to school everyday.

Looking forward to a great week in Kindergarten! Smile and be kind to each other!! Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen :)

Posted: May 19, 2024

Enjoy yoiur long weekend as Monday May 20th, Victoria Day, is a holiday.

Posted: May 18, 2024

Hip,Hip,Hooray, Khloe is 6 today!! We want to wish this sweet little girl a very happy birthday. We hope you have a super duper fun day! Love your Kinder friends and Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen :)

Posted: May 18, 2024

Congratulations to Landon, our I-CARE Kid for April. Way to go,Landon! Great job!

Wishing our Mommies and Grandmother's a very special Mothers Day! We love you very much!


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Added: Sat, Mar 8 2025


Added: Sun, Apr 23 2023


Kindergarten Homework Sept.24-28th
Kindergarten Homework May 28th- June 1st
Kindergarten Homework May 7-11th
Kindergarten Homework April 30th-May4th