Mrs. MacDonald

Bienvenue, tout le monde!

Posted: June 1, 2020

Bonjour tout le monde et joyeuse semaine 9! J'espère que vous allez bien et vous profitez du beau temps! Welcome back and happy week 9! I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the nice weather. This week, I have left some more activities for you to try at your own pace while you continue to work gathering footage for your cross curricular animal spot. I will help with editing if needed so feel free to reach out at any time. Cette semaine, on va parler de nos activités préférées d'été et où vous aimeriez voyager un jour.  Please remember to check Mrs. Haché's page for your Math activities and Mrs. Baldwin's page for Phys. Ed ideas to help you stay physically fit. I am so proud of all that you have accomplished during your home learning sessions! Ready for another fun week of exploring! Bien fait, tout le monde! 

Posted: May 25, 2020

Bienvenue mes amis et joyeuse semaine 8! Cette semaine, on va parler de notre patrimoine et partager les choses intéressantes de nos familles! Welcome back and happy week 8! I hope you are all staying safe and keeping active. Reminder to check Mrs. Haché's teacher page for your Math activities and Mrs. Baldwin's page for Phys. Ed. ideas and the Virtual Olympics event this week. Also, please let me know by Friday if you would like to order a yearbook if you have not already done so. I hope your animal spot activity is going well and that you are enjoying optimum conditions for collecting your video footage and photos for your 60 second clip. Remember to let me know if you need any assistance in editing or putting it all together. Practice reading/saying your facts and record your voice over when you are ready, speaking clearly and at a comfortable pace. I will post your animal video clips if you wish once I receive them. Thank you to Eria for her animal spot on the Eastern Grey Squirrel! You may email me at any time as well, to share your work or ask for direction. Also, there is the added option to submit your animal video spots to HWW in the future if desired. I am so proud of the excellent work you continue to do! Keep up the awesome effort! I love seeing and hearing you share your work during our online classes! Bien fait, mes amis!

Posted: May 25, 2020

Posted: May 18, 2020

Bonjour mes amis et joyeuse semaine 7! Cette semaine, nous allons explorer et recorder les vidéo-clips de nos animaux et composer les faites intéressantes pour utiliser dans nos vignettes. Welcome back everyone and I hope you had a wonderful weekend! This week, we will focus on our cross-curricular animal spot activity. I have included all information you need to get started on my teacher page ELA cross-curricular activity document as well as added a sample video as a model for you to follow for planning your own animal spot. I also included the web link to the Hinterland Who's Who page for those who may like to use the logo and music while editing your video(If you decide to use the music and logo, you will need to email a request using your student email). I will help you with this once all your information and video footage is ready. This is your main activity for the week, so please take your time and do your best when gathering your information, writing your facts and recording your voice over(you may use voice memo on your iPhone or any other audio device and this can be used later in editing). A good idea is to prepare your written facts first and then practice reading aloud for the recording. Get outside and enjoy exploring, observing and recording. Remember to check Mrs. Haché's teacher page for your Math activities. I have included a series of questions to help you with planning the written portion and voice over recording for your animal spot in the attached ELA document. We will discuss and share some of your facts during our class meeting on Wednesday on our team page. I am so proud of you all! See you soon! 

Posted: May 18, 2020

Posted: May 11, 2020

Bonjour tout le monde et joyeuse semaine 6! J'espère que mes amis sont prêts à continuer à apprendre! Welcome back, everyone!  I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend and are ready for another fun week of home learning! Once again,  I have included some new activities for you to try at your own pace.  Please remember there are no due dates and you may work on your cross curricular spring activities at your convenience. Your animal video spot may take extra editing and planning due to weather and opportunity so take your time with this special ongoing project. Remember to check Mrs. Haché's page for your Math activities as well as Mrs. Baldwin's page for some activities to get you moving and staying active. This week, you may like to present your artefact or tell about a special family object that has been passed on or that has significance to you during our online classes. Feel free to listen or present, whichever you prefer. I can't wait to see your artefacts and hear from my mini historians! Cette semaine, aussi, on va parler de nos animaux doméstiques et leurs traites physiques et qualités morales. I am so proud of you all and how well you are adapting to our home learning actiivities! Stay safe, stay active and be kind! See you soon! 


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Added: Wed, Jan 24 2024
