Posted: February 9, 2011
Grade 8 Baby Pictures : don't forget to bring these in
BOOK ORDERS (January) are being sent this Friday
SPELL-A-THON: Return pledge sheets by Feb. 15th
8H-8M Language Arts
1. Complete the prefix-suffix exercise (8H)
(8M) silent "e" rule -find words in your list
2. Defining Moments unit-notebook check
(8M) Thursday (8H) Friday
3. Review the story "The Rink" for next class
7H-7M Language Arts
1. (7H) FastForword is ending this week
2. Study the spell-a-thon list each night (if you are unsure about your list,
or if you have not received a list, see me!)
3. Accelerated Reader - students should be testing on at least two books /month!
Updates will be sent home by next week.
8H-8M Social Studies
1. Reading topographic maps (six-digit-codes) p.11 Q1and2 for next class
7M Social Studies
1. Have questions p.42-43 (see sheet) completed