Posted: December 3, 2010
*MEMO sent home (re: Christmas dates for concert etc..)
*Survey (brown envelope- for parents)
*Book orders (being sent next week)
8H-8M Language Arts
1. Draft of soldier's diary -Tues., Dec 7th
2. (8H)Poetry assignment -"Christmas in the Trenches" due Wed., Dec. 8th
8H-8M Social Studies
1. Unit test signed
2. Study map of Canada and map of NB cities (8) and rivers (5)
7H-7M Language Arts
1. Read every night for AR
2. Quiz on Chpt. 26-29 Monday
3. Test next week on the comprehension of the novel (plotline)
We will review before the test (TBA)
7M Social Studies
1. Study for unit test Thursday, Dec. 9th
Tutorials- Mon-Tues-Fri !??