Mrs. MacDonald Notes

Bienvenue, tout le monde!


Posted: May 11, 2020

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Posted: May 11, 2020

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Posted: May 4, 2020

Posted: May 4, 2020

Bonjour tout le monde et joyeuse semaine 5! J'espère que tout le monde est prêt pour une nouvelle semaine amusante! Welcome back everyone and I hope you had a wonderful weekend staying safe and active. I have left some new activities here for you to try at your own pace and remember, there are no due dates as some cross curricular spring activities will take a bit longer to complete. Reminder to continue to check Mrs. Hache's page for your Math activities. Cette semaine, on va parler de vos jeux de tables préférés et trouver le temps de les jouer et passer le temps avec vos familles. I am so pleased with how well our class meetings are going with so many taking the time to share all the amazing things you are doing. So impressed at how you have been taking the time to learn new skills, be creative and show your talents. Je suis extrêmement fière de tous mes élèves fantastiques! Bien fait, tout le monde! Feel free as well to continue to reach out to me at any time if needed. Also, a reminder that students' items can be picked up at the school today (May 4) from 1-3 p.m. by a parent or guardian. Have a great week!

Posted: May 4, 2020

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Bienvenue et joyeuse semaine 4! I hope you are all ready for another fun and active week of home learning! Remember that all activities are to be done at your own pace and there are no due dates. I have included non-fiction reading and writing activities for this week. Continue to read every day. Reminder once again to check Mrs. Hache's page for your Math activities. Some cross curricular activities will take extra time and planning so be creative and have fun! Remember that you have the option of sharing at any time anything that you would like on our team page or during our online classes. I am so proud of all that you have accomplished and the great example you continue to be for others! Bien fait, tout le monde! Cette semaine, mes élèves, on va parler de la famille, décrire les traits physiques, les qualités morales de quelqu'un dans ta famille et aussi les passe-temps que tu aimes faire avec chaque personne. If possible, bring something to share at our next class meeting that you found interesting or fun so far. It could be a piece of artwork you completed, your speaking to an audience topic, a rhyme/poem you wrote or anything you'd like to share. This is optional so feel free to listen or share, whichever you prefer. Have a great week and see you soon! 

Posted: April 27, 2020

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Posted: April 27, 2020

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Well that was pretty cool, 5M! Starlink 6 and 7 passing right over Miramichi tonight! The string of satellites look like the lights in the windows of a train passing in the night sky. If you missed it tonight, you have another chance to see it tomorrow night as Starlink 6 and 7 pass west to south at 9:33 pm. I will definitely be looking up at the sky again tomorrow night! 

Posted: April 22, 2020

Bonne journée 5M! Just a little reminder to try to log in to our teams page today and we will try to have a quick meeting at 2 p.m. on the 5M page to check in and help others who may be having difficulty logging in. Follow these steps to get in to the page:

1. Click on the Office Web link (in red to the right of my Teacher page)

2. Log in using your username(I have sent these out to each student individually by email or text but contact me if any problems) Your username starts with the first three letters of your first and last name plus your student number plus

Also, if you have forgotten your passwords, let me know and I will forward them again.

3. Once you have logged in, you will see that I have added you to the 5M team and the 2 p.m. meeting will appear on your calendar when you click on it. You then click, Join to join the meeting. 

4. This team page is open at any time for you to leave me messages or questions so feel free to log in at any time to stay connected. 

5. Stay safe and get outdoors as much as possible and remember that all activities may be done at your own pace and there are no due dates. 

See you soon, mes amis!


Posted: April 20, 2020

Bonjour, mes amis! Bienvenue et j'espère que vous êtes prêts pour une autre semaine amusante! Tout le monde, cette semaine, parle- moi de toi! Tes choses préférées, tes rêves et les nouvelles! Lis 20 minutes chaque jour et soyez gentil! I hope that everyone had a great weekend and you are all ready for a fun week! Keep in mind that all activities may be done at your own pace, there are no due dates and some of these activities may be completed over a period of days or weeks. I am excited that you also have the option of being involved in our team page where we may share ideas, news and creative projects. I am so proud of you all! Don't forget to also stay safe and active during the week! See you soon! À la prochaine!

Posted: April 20, 2020

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Posted: April 20, 2020

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