Mrs. O'Neill-Delano Notes

Welcome Back


Posted: March 17, 2017

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for the weekend:

Soc. Studies- Achieving Responsible Colonial Government. 10 questions are to be completed in full sentence form. This is due for MONDAY MARCH 20th 2017.

Math- No Math homework this weekend.

Science- P. 221 Questions 1-5. Make sure these are finished for Monday's class. Also keep the STEM Fair projects in mind.

L. Arts- See Mrs. Murphy's Page for Details.

French- You need to start using your imagination and come up with a really cool invention that has a social impact ( how it benefits people)  including what we would do if this object had not been invented.  I will present a "modèle" next week but let's see if you wheels of creativity can get cranking and come up with something.

That is is for homework. Have a great weekend everyone and we will see you on Monday morning.


Posted: March 16, 2017

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight:

Snow shoeing or skiing tomorrow. Please wear appropriate outdoor clothing.

Math- No Math Homework tonight

Soc. Studies- Achieving Responsible Colonial Government. Finish 10 questions in sentence form. This assignment is DUE ON MONDAY MARCH 20th, 2017.

Science- P. 221 Questions 1-5.    STEM Fair projects??

That is it for tonight. Have a great evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow.

Posted: March 14, 2017

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight:

Homeroom Business:  You will be snow shoeing or skiing tomorrow. Make sure you wear  appropriate clothing.

Math- Page 132  questions 5 and 6

French-Finish final copy of your "Grande Invention"

Soc.Studies-Questions 5 and 6 on the sheet

L.Arts- Read for 20 minutes. Please see Mrs. Murphy's page for additional work.

That is it for tonight. Have a great evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow.


Posted: March 13, 2017

Hello Gr. 7. Here is your homework for tonight:

Homeroom Business: Tomorrow is the final deadline to bring in money for the school fundraiser.

You are going snow shoeing tomorrow first period. Please wear a hat and mittens.

Lots of homework tonight. No time for video games, cell phones or tv shows!

FRENCH- For your Grande Invention: find the name of the inventor, their occupation, their native country and the date of the invention.  ie:  Le  -------- à été inventé par un ingénieur français, Jean Beaudoin le 2 mai, 1890.

Math-  pp. 131-132 questions 2,  3  and  4

Science- STEM Fair projects.

L. Arts- Check Mrs. Murphy's page. I think some of you have to finish a writing assignment.

That is it for tonight. Have a great evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow. We also would like to bid adieu to Damian and wish his family good luck as they move to a new city.

Posted: March 7, 2017

Hello Grade 7. Looks like there was no official homework assigned for the March Break. However; You should continue to read for 20 minutes each day. You also have a STEM fair project to be thinking about. 

That's it. I hope you all have a fantastic March Break. See you on Monday morning. 

Posted: February 28, 2017

Hello Grade 7. Here is your Homework for tonight:

Homeroom Business: Fundraising due by Friday. You also need to bring the blue permission form with parent signature before you can participate in Friday's winter activity day.

Math- Test tomorrow on Fractions- Decimals and Percent

Social Studies- Same homework as the past 2 weeks. Get you test signed and finish the drawing on CANADA.

L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes. Check Mrs. Murphy's page for additional work.

Science- STEM Fair Project. Start thinking about this.

Music- Finish your note reading exercise.

That's it for tonight. Have a great evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow.


Posted: February 27, 2017

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight:

Homeroom Business:  Today we sent home the spelling tests and fundraising sheets. Most of you were sponsored in a lump sum and have already paid. Some of you were sponsored a certain price per correct spelling word. You have until Friday to collect money from your sponsors.

-Also you need to have a parent/guardian sign the blue  permission form for Friday's winter activity day.

- SKating tomorrow morning for Grade 7.


Social Studies: Many of you have not returned the test with parent signature. Some of you  have not yet finished the CANADA drawing. YOU NEED TO TAKE CARE OF THIS PLEASE.

Math- Finish the assignment on percentage

That is it for tonight. Have a great evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow with your social studies tests all signed, sealed and delivered along with your Canada drawings to Mr. Tozer.


Posted: February 26, 2017

Hello grade 7. Here is your homework for the weekend:

Homeroom Business: you need to get the permission form signed by a parent/guardian for the winter activity day.

Social Studies- Finish the drawing on CANADA and get your test signed.

L.Arts- Read for 20 minutes. Check Mrs. MURPHY'S page for additional work.

That's it for homework. Have a great evening everyone. We will see you on Monday.

Posted: February 22, 2017

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight:


L.Arts- Read for 20 minutes. Check Mrs. Murphy's page for additional information

Math- Page 159 Questions 2   3  and 5. Also you are supposed to get your math problem sheet signed for Mrs. Haché

Soc. Studies- same homework. Finish coloring the drawing on CANADA.

That's it for tonight. Have a great evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow.

Posted: February 21, 2017

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight:

Homeroom Business: School Fundraising pledge sheets due tomorrow. We still only have 7 students who brought pledge sheets in to date. Thanks to those students. Let's see if a few more of you can bring something in tomorrow!   Also the spelling tests take place tomorrow.

L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes. Study your spelling list and check Mrs. Murphy's page for additional information.

Math- Page 164 Question 4.   You also have the worksheet E 48 to finish

Soc. Studies- Same homework as last night. Finish/color your drawing for CANADA. You also need to get a parent/guardian signature on your test (BNA) and return to Mr. Tozer.

That's it for tonight. Have a great evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow.


Posted: February 20, 2017

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight:

Homeroom Business:  Only 5 students brought back pledges for the school fund raiser. Deadline is tomorrow for the pledge form. Maybe you can get a sponsor tonight?

L.Arts- Read for 20 minutes. Check Mrs. Murphy's page for further info.

Math- page 163 question 2

Soc. Studies- Finish drawing/coloring the artwork for CANADA. You also need to get your test on the BNA signed and returned to Mr. Tozer.

That's it for tonight. Have a great evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow. 

Posted: February 17, 2017

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for this weekend:

Homeroom Business:  Fundraising Pledge Sheets are due on Monday. We still only have 4 students in our class who have brought these to me.

L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes. Check Mrs. Murphy's page for additional work.

Math- Finish the math assignment on Discounts- Taxes-Percentage

Soc. Studies- Finish drawing/coloring the Canada sheet

That's it for homework. Have a great weekend everyone. The weather is looking good for those of you who like to get outside and enjoy winter. We will see you on Monday with your pledge sheets.


Posted: February 15, 2017

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight.

Homeroom Business:  Fundraising sheets. Date has been extended for pledge sheets. Please read the memo for specifics. To date I have only received 4 pledge sheets from our homeroom. We need to get moving on this grade 7.

L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes. Check Mrs. Murphy's page for additional comments.

Math- Same homework as last evening:  Page 122 questions 13 and 15-18


That is it for tonight. Have a great evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow.  We want to wish safe travels to Tayrn and her family. Enjoy the sand, surf and sun!!


Posted: February 14, 2017

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight:

Homeroom Business:  Date has been extended for school fuindraiser due to storm days. A memo will go home tomorrow. You still have this week to collect sponsors\pledges. Keep studying your list for the test. 3 students have brought in pledge sheets to date. Let's get moving on this grade 7.

Also, good job on the new seating plan. Looks like everyone was in the right spot on the bus.

L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes. Check Mrs. Murphy's page for further detail.

Math- finish the math assignment. Some of you are in disagreement about page 122 questions 13,  15-18. Not sure if Mrs. Hache wants this completed??

That is all for tonight. Have a great evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow.




Posted: February 9, 2017

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight:

Homeroom Business: Study your spelling lists and collect sponsorship for the school fundraiser.

Math- Finish the math sheet for next class.

L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes. Check Mrs. Murphy's page for additional work.

That is it for tonight. Have a great evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow.

