Mrs. O'Neill-Delano Notes

Welcome Back


Posted: November 24, 2016

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight:

Homeroom Business: School memo will go home tomorrow as will the catalogue for the Book order.

L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes

Math- Worksheet. Do all questions EXCEPT for (d)

That is all you have for tonight. If you have extra time, why not practice your french presentation? I think it would be fun!!  Have a great evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow morning. Maria nos vemos manana.

Posted: November 22, 2016

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight:

L.Arts- Read for 20 minutes. You should have your novel finished for tomorrow.

Math- pp. 94-95 questions 5 and 6

French- Rehearse for your oral presentation on the unexplained phenomena. Focus on the description and eye witness reports.

That is it for tonight. I hope everyone has a great evening. We will see you in the morning. Maria, nos vemos manana.


Posted: November 21, 2016

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight:

Homeroom Business:  Still looking for report card envelopes with student/parent comment sheet to be returned for our records.

L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes. You should finish your book tonight.

Math- p.94 question 4

S.S- questions 1-6 on pages 50-54

Science- please get your test signed and returned to Mr. keating.

French- practice your presentation on your chosen phenomena. Remember, this is nothing to panic over; I will guide your presentation with a set of questions such as: name of phenomena-type of phenomena; physical appearance- eye-witness explanations- where it can be seen- real explanation and do you believe this phenomena and/or legend is real? and why?  I know some of you are nervous about this presentation. Don't worry. Be happy!! I will help you. By the way, I hope you are reading my teacher page. If you tell me in the morning that French presentations are fun, I will have a little treat for you!

 Have a great evening everyone. We will see you in the morning. Maria, nos vemos manana!



Posted: November 17, 2016

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for the weekend.

L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes. Finish 1\2 of your novel.

Math- P 89-90 questions 10 c and d, questions 12 and 13

S.S.- Title page due for Monday

Science- Please get your test signed and returned for Monday.

That is it for the weekend. Have a great weekend everyone. We will see you on Monday. Maria nos vemos el lunes.




Posted: November 16, 2016

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight.

Homeroom Business: Parent Teacher tomorrow 4:00pm -6:30pm and Friday 9:00am- 11:30am. You may keep your report card but we want the sheet where you wrote the student reflection and signature from parents returned with the envelope please. If you cannot make parent-teacher, I am always available to meet with parents. Call me at the school to arrange a time.

Homework: L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes. Finish 1/2 of your novel.

                  S.S.- Finish your title page and questions 1-3 on the sheet.

                  Science- Please return your test with parent/guardian signature.  

That is it for tonight. I hope everyone has a great evening. We will see you tomorrow. Maria, nos vemos manana.





Posted: November 15, 2016

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight.

Homeroom Business: Report Cards went home today. Please look through these with your parent\guardian.

L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes. You should be able to finish 1/3rd of your novel.

Math- Review for tomorrow's test on Integers

Soc. S- Allow me to correct myself; Questions 1-3 on the sheet.

Science- Please get your test signed by a parent/guardian.

That is it for tonight. I hope everyone enjoyed skate time at the rink. Next time let's try to have everyone on the ice. Have a great evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow. Maria, nos vemos manana.





Posted: November 14, 2016

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight.

Homeroom Business: Skating tomorrow morning. Bring skates and helmet.

Cookie dough campaign is now over. We will notify parents when the dough arrives.

L.Arts- Read for 20 minutes

Math- Review for test on Integers

S.S- Questions 1-5 on sheet.

That is it for tonight. Have a great evening everyone. We will see you in the morning. Maria nos vemos manana.


Posted: November 10, 2016

Hello grade 7. here is your homework for the weekend.

Homeroom Business; Home and School Fundraiser. Cookie Dough Campaign. $12.00per bucket of dough.

Skating on Tuesday. Make sure you get your skates sharpened.

L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes. Reading Log.

That is it for the weekend. Have a great long weekend everyone. Maria should be back on Monday. Thanks for doing such a great job at the Remembrance Day ceremony. Our readers Tayrn, Kate, Kobe and Jesse did a wonderful job as did Tayrn when she sang. See you all on Monday. Maria nos vemos el lunes!

Posted: November 9, 2016

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight. Sorry I am late with this. I  was in the gym preparing and rehearsing for tomorrow's ceremony.

Homeroom Business: Home and School Cookie Dough campaign. Cookie dough is $12.00 per bucket of dough. This is a fundraiser for parents only. No students are permitted to sell door to door.

Poppy Campaign- We are taking Donations towrds the Poppy Campaign. Poppies will be distributed tomorrow morning prior to our Remembrance Day ceremony. Remember to look your best tomorrow for our veterans, military members, Canadian Peacekeepers and guests. Be on your best behaviour and show them why we have such a fantastic school.


L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes. Reading logs are due for tomorrow. 19 in total.

Social Studies- Chapter 3 Title Page

Math- pp. 88-89 Questions 1-4    You also have to finish your math assignment?? and get your test signed by a parent/guardian.

That is it. Have a great evening everyone. Maria buen viaje a New York!


Posted: November 8, 2016

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight.

Homeroom Business: Cookie Dough. $12.00 per bucket of dough. Fundraiser for the Home and School Association. Students are not permitted to sell door to door.

L. Arts: Read for 20 minutes. Reading logs are due Thursday totalling 19 entries to date.

Math: Assignment on "Subtracting Integers" is due on Thursday. You also need to get your test signed by a parent\guardian.

Social Studies: Complete a Title page for Chapter 3.

Kobe, Kate, Tayrn and Jesse have rehearsal for the Remembrance Day Ceremony after school tomorrow.

That is everything for tonight. Have a great evening. Josh Kightley get well. We will see you all tomorrow. Maria, buen viaje a New York.

Posted: November 7, 2016

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight:

Homeroom Business:  Home and School Cookie Dough Campaign. $12.00 per bucket of dough. This is a fundraiser for parents. Students are not permitted to sell door to door.

Also the poppy campaign is on. Students are asked to bring on a donation to the poppy fund. We will distribute poppies prior to the ceremony on Thursday morning. We have selected Colin Girouard as our class rep to lay a wreath at our ceremony. We know he will do a great job. 

L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes. You now have 4 more reading logs due for Thursday; making a grand total of 19.

Math- Page 73-74   Questions 1, and 3-9.

That is it for tonight. Get your homework done early and enjoy your evening. We will see you tomorrow. Maria nos vemos manana.






Posted: November 4, 2016

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for the weekend:

Homeroom Business: Home and School Cookie Dough Fundraiser.$12.00 per bucket of cookie dough.

Also, beginning on Monday, students are asked to bring in a donation towards the Poppy Campaign. Poppies will be distributed on Wednesday and Thursday prior to our Remembrance Day Ceremony.

L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes.

Social Studies- Assignment. Not quite sure why this was on the board. "Myself in 20 years" Surely you must have finished this grade 7? Check your Social Studies teacher page.

Go over  "In Flanders Fields" please. We will take 2 minutes before morning announcements on Monday to run through this poem for our Remembrance Day Ceremony on Thursday.

Jesse, Josh and Danae. If you have free time and homework is complete it would be nice for you three to make a nice drawing (colored) depicting some aspect of Remembrance Day. We can place them on our bulletin boards by the French and Music rooms.

That is everything grade 7. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. We will see you on Monday morning. Maria, ten un excelente fin de semanos. Nos vemos el lunes 


Posted: November 3, 2016

Hello Grade7. Here is your homework for tonight:

Homeroom Business: Home and School Cookie dough campaign. $12.00 per bucket. Proceeds go towards activites for Nelson Rural Students.

L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes. You also have 15 reading logs in total due for tomorrow. 

Science- Test tomorrow

Social Studies- Again, if you haven't done so already, you need to get the assignment "My Life in 20 Years" signed by a parent\guardian

That is everything for tonight. If you have been keeping on top of your work, most of you should only have to study for your science test. Have a great evening everyone and we will see you tomorrow. Maria, nos vemos manana!

Posted: November 2, 2016

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight:

Homeroom Business: Cookie Dough. $12.00 per bucket of dough. Fundraiser is for parents only.

Math- PP. 69-70 questions 8-12

L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes. 15 Reading logs due for Friday.

Soc. S-  Need to get your assignment signed "My Life in 20 Years" and turn in your title page for tomorrow.

Science- Test on Friday

That is everything. Have a great evening everyone. We will see you in the morning. Maria nos vemos manana!




Posted: November 1, 2016

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight

Homeroom Business: Cookie Dough fundraiser for Home and School.$12.00 per bucket of dough. Proceeds benefit all students of Nelson Rural. Students are not permitted to campaign door to door. This is a fundraiser for parents.

Math- Finish math sheet and answer questions 1, 2 and 5 on page 69.

L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes. You have 15 reading logs due in total for Friday. Sounds like this is something you need to keep on top of grade 7.

Soc. Studies- You need to get that assignment on "My Life in 20 Years" signed by a parent\guardian. You really ought to get this done before the 20 years actually arrives!!   You also have the title page due for Thursday that has been homework for the past week.

Science-  You have a test on Friday.

That is everything for tonight. You could also go over the poem "In Flanders Fields" in preparation for our Remembrance day Ceremony. I hope everyone has a great evening. Get well Luc, Colin and Kobe. Drew, rest that foot! We will see you tomorrow morning. Maria nos vemos manana.
