Mrs. O'Neill-Delano Notes

Welcome Back


Posted: October 12, 2016

Hello Grade 7. Here is the homework for tonight:

Homeroom Business:  Complete and Return forms for Needles. The Nurse from Public Health will be picking these up tomorrow. Please sit down this evening and complete forms.  Also, Friday you are asked to wear blue clothing or any Blue Jays clothing you have to show our support for our Canadian ball team. They play their first game of the ALCA against the Cleveland Indians on Friday evening.

School Picture Retakes are tomorrow, Thursday October 13th

Math- Pages 274-5 Questions 5- 8

L. arts- Read for 20 minutes.  3 Reading log entries are due this week

Have a good evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow. Maria,  nos vemos manana!


Posted: October 11, 2016

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight:

Homeroom Business- Complete and return forms for needles. There are two forms to fill out for girls as they will receive 2 needles. Parents of the boys have one form to complete. These need to be returned to me by Thursday so why not make your parent\guardian a cup of tea and sit down to complete forms tonight!

Math- Pages 273-274    Questions 1, 2 and 4

L.Arts- Read for 20 minutes. This week you need to have 3 entries in your reading log.  Also finish the draft copy of your essay

le français- Write a conclusion to your monster story. The recette (recipe) for a conclusion is as follow:  An exit phrase such as Voici l'histoire de Shrek  or Maintenant tu sais l'histoire de Godzilla.   Next you need to write an opinion of your monster such as   Il est effrayant  or il est mignon  or il est bizarre or il est vraiment méchant/gentil and finally you need to ask a question to the reader such as    Est-ce que tu aimes ce monstre?  or Est-ce que tu connais un monstre bizarre?  or Est-ce que tu penses que ce monstre est méchant? or  Est-ce que tu penses qu'il est beau/gentil?  etc.   These are my ideas . I am sure you can come up with one that relates to your monster. Lots of homework tonight. I suggest you make like an egg and get crackin! 

Posted: October 5, 2016

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework  for Tuesday, October 11th.

Language Arts- Read for 20 minutes

French- Today I gave you the draft copy of your monster descriptions. I made as many corrections and/or suggestions as I could and included a mark for the draft. You need to write a good copy and add it to the back page where you already have the introduction written. Double space. Try to get this finished tonight. This paragraph should have 5 specific things: You may of course include extra detail if you would like to do so.

______ est un monstre connu.

Il\elle vit ____________

Il ressemble à un(e) ___________

Il/elle mange_______________

Il/elle est méchant(e) parce-qu'il ____________________           

Most of you have masculin monsters and won't need the extra (e) or the use of (elle). I think Jesse is the only one who has Nessie, the female monster. Good luck. I look forward to reading these assignments. I hope everyone enjoys a Happy Thanksgiving break with your family. Maria, tener un vuelo seguro. Nos veremos proxima semana.


Posted: October 4, 2016

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tomorrow.

Language Arts- Read for 20 minutes

Math- Page 270 # 6  and Please get you math test signed

Science- Please get your science test signed

French- I have your cahier de français. Will take a look at your 2nd paragraph describing your monster tonight. You will be given this with corrections and/or suggestions tomorrow morning. The good copy (on back page of your cahier) is to be completed for Tuesday Oct. 11th. Don't forget to double space your work.

Five important things we learned today: 1. Homework is to be completed 2. Lock your lockers  3. In french class you need to communicate in french 4. Always put forth your best effort.  5. We are still young and are learning life lessons. Have a good evening everyone. I will see you tomorrow. Maria, nos vemos manana.


Posted: October 3, 2016

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tomorrow:

Language Arts- Read for 20 minutes

Social Studies- the assignment "Myself in 20 years" is due tomorrow, Tuesday, October 4th 2016

Math: Page 269 questions 2-5. You also need to get your "Snap Shot" signed

French: Write a good copy of your monster Intro on the back page of your cahier. Any classroom work or draft copies will be written in the front section of your cahier. 

Science: You need to get your science test signed

I am noticing a few stragglers at our lockers in the morning and afternoon. Locker time is not social hour.  Also it has come to my attention that a few of you are not completely locking your combination lock. If you have a lock that is not in good working condition then you need to come and tell me. We can find a solution.  I hope you have a good evening. Remember, it is your responsibility to complete homework assignments. I will see you tomorrow. Maria, nos vemos manana. 

Posted: September 30, 2016

Hi Grade 7. Here is you homework for the weekend.

Math  page 269 question 1a- (thanks for the reminder on this one Rebecca!)

French- Practice presenting your monster to someone in your home or call a classmate. Remember to include: Est-ce que tu connais un monstre? __________ est un monstre connu. Il vit _____________. Il ressemble ____________________. Il est( méchant/gentil.)  You can add any other info you may think is unique about this monster. For instance what does he/she  eat. Do they actually speak, is he/she a character in a film or tv show etc.

Language Arts- Read for 20 minutes

Social Studies  "Myself in 20 years" This is due for Tuesday but why not do it this weekend and avoid last minute work on Monday evening.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Spend some time outdoors. It is supposed to be really nice. Maria ten un excelente fin de semanos. Nos vemos el lunes!




Posted: September 29, 2016

Hello Grade 7 Students. Homework is as follows:

Language Arts- Read for 20 minutes and complete the reading log

Social Studies- Page 6- The Canadian Charter of Rights. Read this page. The drawing was due today. If you did not pass it in please finish tonight.

French- Practice speaking about your monster. Look at last night's homework where I explained in detail what is expected of you.

Last period tomorrow is an activity period. If you signed up for soccer or the hike with Mrs. Pugh, remember to wear your sneakers.

Tomorrow has been named Orange Shirt day. We are asking you to wear an orange shirt or some article of clothing that is orange to honour the victims of the Residential Schools.

Great job walking today. Terry Fox would be so proud of you.





Posted: September 28, 2016

Hello grade 7. Here is a list of homework to be completed this evening.

French- prepare to speak about your monster in detail. Where the monster lives, what he/she resembles or looks like, what he/she likes to eat, is he/she a good monster or bad and why? 

L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes and update reading logs

Social Studies- Drawing due tomorrow



Have a good evening everyone and we'll see you tomorrow. Maria nos vemos manana.

Posted: September 27, 2016

Hello grade 7. Below is a list of homework. Remember I want to see the french tomorrow morning. Have a good evening. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning. Maria, nos vemos la manana.

FRENCH- Finish good copy of your monster intro. I will be checking for this first thing in the morning.

Math- Page 265 question 6


L. Arts- Reading log and read for 20 minutes

S.S- Drawing is due for Thursday



Posted: September 26, 2016

Welcome to my teacher page. Here is a list of homework for tonight and/or this week

Math- page 265 # 3-6. Also review math terms such as (mean, average etc. -you have the list)

Science- You have a test on Wednesday of next week.

Language Arts- Reading Log

Social Studies- There is a drawing you need to finish

Health- Continue your food log

French- Write a draft of your "Monstre" introduction. Here are a few examples of intros:

1. Est-ce que tu aimes les films d'horreurs? Est-ce que tu connais un monstre? Je connais bin un monstre.  Écoute-moi parler d'un monstre.

2. Est-ce que tu connais un monstre? Est-ce qu'il est gentil ou méchant? Je connais un monstre. Maintenant je vais parler d'un monstre populaire.

3. Est-ce que tu as peur des monstres? Est-ce que tu connais un monstre? Je connais un monstre. Écoute-moi parler d'un monstre effrayant!

It seems like you have a lot of work tonight. Don't leave things to the last minute. That never works out well.

Have a good evening. We will see you tomorrow. Maria nos vemos manana.


Posted: September 23, 2016

Prepare for soccer on Monday. Lists will be posted for varsity and junior v

Check homework written in your agenda. Make sure it gets done please.

Have a great weekend. Get out and enjoy the sun!  Colin we hope to see you soon.

Josh G. We hope to see you on Monday.

 Maria ten un excelente fin de semanos. Nos vemos el lunes!!


Posted: September 22, 2016

Make sure math problems are completed as outlined in homework agenda.

Social Studies Test

Food log

*Student Fees*

See you tomorrow morning. Maria, nos venemos manana.

 Colin, hope you are feeling a little better. Hang in there. 

Posted: September 21, 2016

S.Studies worksheets and test

Math p. 200 # 2-5

Health - keep a food log of eating habits

Le francais- un monstre connu-  be ready to present again

-Student Fees

See you tomorrow. Maria, nos venemos manana. 




Posted: September 20, 2016

Math Homework- S.S sheets and test- Practice describing your Monstre connu

Cross Country at Dr. Losier (soccer players encouraged to participate)

Remember cell phones are not to be used until you leave the school at 3:05pm.

See you tomorrow. Maria nos venemos manana.

Reminders- School fees




Posted: September 19, 2016

Please be prepared to present un monstre connu for french class. You also have Social Studies homework and Math. Please make certain your parents read the memo sent home today. Colin, we hope you are feeling better. Maria, nos venomos manana.

School picture proofs due tomorrow

Student fees
