Posted: February 7, 2022
Hi Everyone!
I hope you had a fun weekend and got outside to play in the snow! Please make sure you are dressed for the weather. We will be going out to play at recess if the weather is good. Remember your hats, snow pants and mittens.
Phys. Ed
- Our Phys. Ed days this week are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.
- Our library day is on Thursday. Make sure you bring your book back so you can sign out another book.
- The homework for the week is listed in the orange homework books.
- Our spelling words this week focus on the long /ee/ vowel sound that says its own name. Go over them each night and practice spelling them. We will have our test on Friday.
- The word work activity focuses on the long /ee/ vowel sound and short /e/ vowel sounds. Look at the picture, say the word. Fill in what vowel sound you hear. Pick 2 /ee/ words and writ a sentence for each one. Make sure your sentences begin and end properly.
- There is another activity on making /ee/ words and spelling /ee/ words. As well choose the spelling word missing from each sentence. Read each sentence, what word is missing and will make the sentence sound right. Circle the word.
- In Math we are working on counting by 2s starting at 1, counting by 10s starting at 2 and adding and subtracting using strategies.
- There is another activity on showing numbers in different ways. We have been working on different ways to show numbers. For each number show it using base ten blocks, tally mars and money.
- Choose one book from the reading bag to read each night. Use your strategies to help with the reading and record your book on the log sheet.
- It is very important that students have proper fitting masks that cover their mouth and nose.
- Please send 2 clean masks with your child each day.
Water Bottles
- Just a reminder that we can’t drink from the fountains.
- Please send in a water bottle for your child to use at school. They can refill them during the day at the fountains.
Jersey Day
- Friday February 11th is Hockey Jersey Day. If you have a hockey jersey, please wear it.
Have a super week Grade 2!