Ms. Hitchman

welcome back!

Posted: May 29, 2018

Le Printemps

Posted: May 29, 2018

Des lunettes de soleil

Posted: May 28, 2018

Le son X

Posted: May 28, 2018

Homework for this week: 

  1. The sound of the week is the sound "X"(video is attached to teacher page, the song is a bit different than the sheet, but is good for pronounciation) Students are to practice this poem at home and reminded to follow the word with their finger when pronounciating the word.
  2. We are working on numbers 0-100 in class. Students please practice counting by 5s and 10s at home. Also, skip count to 20 by 2's. 
  3. There will not be a spelling quiz this week.
  4. Library on Tuesday
  5. Wednesday is a 1\2 day for students.
  6. The GO for 42 Mango challenge has begun! Students  have already coloured in quite a few squares on the class chart! Bravo! If students would like to take part in the mango Fun run\walk on June 24th, please return the registration form no later than June 8th.
  7. Any math or literacy sheets not completed in class, will be sent home.
  8. Our tomato plants have been growing very well in class. Students found out last week which group of plants were aboard the Space station for 6 weeks in space! We noticed those plants did not grow as fast as the plants that didn't go to space! Wow!

Posted: May 24, 2018

Our grade 1 class has been working on their first reader’s theatre! All groups worked very hard and worked well together to create a fantastic production! 

Great job everyone!!


Posted: May 24, 2018


This was a video we created to present at the Provincial Maker Fair in Memramcook a few weeks ago! We use microbits for different purposes in our class. Students are becoming familiar with coding in grade 1 as well! I also use them in my grade 4 pre-intensive class.

Great job everyone!

Posted: May 22, 2018

Homework for this week: 

  1. The sound of the week is the sound "V"(video is attached to teacher page) Students are to practice this poem at home.
  2. We are working on numbers 0-100 in class. Students please practice counting by 5s and 10s at home.
  3. Our Spelling quiz will be on Friday. I will send words home today.
  4. Library today.
  5. Mad Science is on Wednedays for students who are signed up.
  6. We have begun the GO for 42 Mango challenge in class! Any student who walks or runs can colour in the kms on our class chart. Students will also receive fun shoe tags as they accumulate kilometers. If students would like to take part in the mango Fun run\walk on June 24th, please return the registration form no later tahn June 8th.
  7. Any math or literacy sheets not completed in class, will be sent home.

Posted: May 20, 2018

Valérie Vache

22 mai-25 mai

Posted: May 14, 2018


Homework for this week: 

1.  The sound of the week is the sound "h" (It is silent) (video is attached to teacher page) There is also a video on my twitter page, as I was unable to upload the video to the teacher page. This song goes along with the poem.

2.  We are working on numbers 60-100 in class. Students please practice counting by 5s and 10s at home.

3.  Our next Spelling quiz will be on this Friday. I will be sending home the words today.

4.  Library is cancelled this week due to the Book fair. Students will be going to the Book fair at this time Tuesday to purchase any books they wish to. Please bring money in tomorrow. There is also a parent viewing on Wednesday at 5-7 pm.

5.  Math games will continue to be sent home every Tuesday and be collected on Thursday.

6.  The sheet about Healthy eating is to be returned to class. Students will be presenting the fruits and vegetables they ate throughout the week.

7.  Reminder there is no school on Monday, May 21st as it is Victoria Day.

Posted: May 14, 2018

Hubert Hibou


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