Ms. Hitchman

welcome back!

Posted: September 18, 2018

Terry Fox video


Here is a short video about Terry Fox students can watch at home, as our walk is coming up next week.

Posted: September 17, 2018


Homework sheets are due back on Friday, however they can be sent back earlier if completed.

  • Read leveled book 2-3 times aloud - I included sticky paper. If stuck on a word, put sticky note under or above word.

  • 5 Sight words- Can they say them right away? Underline the words you don’t know and keep working on them. Return the sheet on Friday for a mini-quiz on the 5 words.

  • Math: Finish the AB, ABC pattern sheet for Pete the cat. Return when finished, or by Friday.

  • Coloriage: Students are to look at the legend and match the correct sound with the word and colour that word the corresponding colour. Due on Friday

Due Date: 

Friday, September 21, 2018

Posted: September 11, 2018

Just a reminder that the student fee is $10.00 and is due to the teacher when available.

A receipt will be sent home when money is collected.

Thank you!

Mme Hitchman

Posted: September 11, 2018


Thu, Sep 27/18 3:37 pm

This months book orders are due on September 27th

Posted: September 10, 2018

Weekly homework has begun!

  1. Read and log in their homework folder the book they read and parents please inital or sign the reading sheet. Students may be continuing to read last week's book to reinforce unfamiliar words.
  2. Weekly sight words: Their 5 weekly sight words went home today. They are to read them aloud a few times each and spell them out. There is a sentence following each word as well they can read.
  3. A math sheet or writing sheet may be sent home throughout the week, however is only due back on Fridays. This is to reinforce a concept taught in class.


Friendly Reminders:

Grandparents Tea is on Friday, September 14th at 9am. K-2 will be performing songs or poems on this day. Grandparents are welcome to attend, however if they are not able to, it would be appreciated if someone else could attend in their place.

Posted: September 4, 2018

Welcome back to school everyone!

I hope everyone is excited to begin grade 2!

Agendas were sent home today with some important information sheets to be returned back to school. 

Weekly homework will begin next week as well.

Our picture day is on Thursday! SAY CHEESE!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me,

- Mme Hitchman

Posted: September 4, 2018

1st day Class photo

Posted: September 4, 2018

1st day of grade 2!

Posted: September 4, 2018

1st day of grade 2!

Posted: June 24, 2018


Image Galleries

Added: Mon, Mar 18 2024


Added: Sun, May 12 2024