Ms. Hitchman

welcome back!

Posted: September 4, 2018

Welcome back to school everyone!

I hope everyone is excited to begin grade 2!

Agendas were sent home today with some important information sheets to be returned back to school. 

Weekly homework will begin next week as well.

Our picture day is on Thursday! SAY CHEESE!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me,

- Mme Hitchman

Posted: September 4, 2018

1st day Class photo

Posted: September 4, 2018

1st day of grade 2!

Posted: September 4, 2018

1st day of grade 2!

Posted: June 24, 2018

Posted: June 24, 2018

Posted: June 13, 2018



We are going on our field trip tomorrow as planned. It is calling for light rain which is much better than what they were previously calling for. Please ensure your child brings an extra change of clothing, rain jacket and\or umbrella, rain boots and warm clothes.


We will be having a picnic as well for lunch, however it may be inside, so students are to bring a packed lunch as we will not be in the cafeteria.  


Also, at times flies can be quite plentiful on the island, so students can apply bug spray at home if they would like. I had an outside scavenger hunt planned as well for after lunch, however it will be postponed until next week.


It will be a fun day!


-Mme Hitchman




Posted: June 11, 2018

June 11-15th: 

Only 2 weeks left of school! That is so exciting! There will be no math or writing homework for the remainder of the school year. However, I will be sending a book home for students to continue to read each night at home.

  1. Please sign and return the spelling quiz to class.
  2. June 14th: We are having our Field Trip this day and going to Beaubear's Island. It is calling for rain, so please dress your child accordingly as we will still be going if it does rain. I will be checking the weather throughout the week as it does tend to change daily. Also, please pack a lunch as we will be having a pic-nic either outside or in our classroom.
  3. June 20th-Potluck: To end the year, our class will be having a pot luck in our classroom! This will be on Wednesday, June 20th (last week of school). Students are invited to bring something that can be shared amongst their classmates. (Peanut-free) I will have a dessert to give the students and refreshments.
  4. We have been working on sun safety in the classroom, so each student received a bracelet that helps them know when the UV rays are strong outside, as the beads change colour.

* I hope you all have a great 2 weeks of school!

Mme Hitchman


Posted: June 3, 2018

Homework for this week: 

WOW! It is June already! The school year is going by very fast, and the warm weather is slowly returning.

Just a reminder that the sun can get quite warm while students are outside at recess playing, so on those days, students may want to bring a hat or apply sun screen before coming to school.  


  1. The sound of the week is the sound "P"(video is attached to teacher page) Students are to practice this poem at home and reminded to follow the word with their finger when pronounciating the word.
  2. We are working on numbers 0-100 in class. Students please practice counting by 5s and 10s at home. Also, skip count 0 to 20 by 2's. 
  3. We will be having our last spelling quiz this week. There will be 10 words. 
  4. Library on Tuesday
  5. There will be a Guest speaker speaking to our K-2 students on Tuesday about First Nations culture.
  6. Students are doing a great job keeping track of their Kilometers they have walked or ran! Bravo!
  7. On Friday, we will have a Guest speaker coming in from Brilliant Labs to work with our class on coding!
  8. There will be a letter sent home this week on details about our end of year Field trip! Please sign and return to the teacher.

Welcome June!

Posted: June 3, 2018

Le son P

Sound for June 4-8th


Image Galleries

Added: Wed, Sep 11 2024


Added: Wed, Oct 16 2024