Ms. Hitchman

welcome back!

Posted: September 29, 2019

Just a reminder that Monday is “orange shirt day” to honour and

remember the residential school survivors. 

Posted: September 23, 2019

Math song for Subitizing

This subitizing video is good to practice with your child. It is in English but you can also put it on mute, as it does not need the sound. Students should work on saying how many are in the group without counting by one.


Posted: September 23, 2019

Sound of the week

Le son "ahhh"

Posted: September 16, 2019


Our weekly homework was sent home today in the home folders. Students are to work on the sound of the week and their new book each night this week and return all on Friday.

The video links were not uploading right away, but they finally did, so they can use these links to help them with pronounciation.

à demain!

Mme Hitchman

Posted: September 16, 2019

Isabelle Iguane

Posted: September 16, 2019

Quel âge as-tu?

Posted: September 15, 2019

Our grade 1 french immersion class presenting a poem and a song for the Grandparent's Tea assembly.

Posted: September 15, 2019

A few photos of our class presenting at the Grandparent's Tea!

Great job!!

Posted: September 15, 2019

Our grade 1 class did a wonderful job with our video project on Friday! 

Students record independent videos every couple of weeks to show their progress in French! These are completely student driven and unscripted. They are encouraged to talk about what they have learned so far, however some students enjoy expanding on these ideas! These videos were recorded on day 9 of school! 

Bon travail! 

Posted: September 4, 2019

Just a reminder that tomorrow is picture day for the K-5 students! 

Bring your smiles!! :)


Image Galleries

Added: Mon, Mar 18 2024


Added: Sun, May 12 2024