Posted: September 30, 2019
Homework for the week:
- Read the sound poem “e” and the sound words 1-2 times aloud. (the Action is that they put their hand on their chest when they say the sound “e”)
We will begin a new book on Tuesday. Students are to read their book 1-2 times aloud. *Some students will begin to bring home leveled books. Encourage them to look at the picture and follow along with their finger.
Students will start their printing book this week. Students are to do one letter each week. Trace and write the letter in between the lines. This will help when they are writing their stories. *Some students have finished A, so they won’t have that for homework.
Math: We have been working on repeating patterns and counting forwards and backwards 1 to 20. Students are to practice singing the songs on the teacher page, or practice saying the numbers forwards and backwards.
Monday: Orange Shirt day
Homework sent home, Gym & Music
Tuesday: Gym
Wednesday: Gym
Thursday: Fletcher’s Farm Field Trip (Please bring in $3 if you haven’t already)
Friday: Homework returned
Show and Tell (One student will present, I will write in their agenda)