Posted: October 14, 2019
Ms. Hitchman
Posted: October 14, 2019
Les formes 2D (shapes)
The first video until 3:30 seconds is a short video on 2D shapes
Posted: October 10, 2019
Just a reminder that the class won their class prize by filling their marble jar so there will be No Homework tonight! :)
Also a memo was sent home about the pumpkin challenge. We will do that tomorrow!
Thank you,
Mme Hitchman
Posted: October 8, 2019
Posted: October 8, 2019
Alphabet song
I will be adding more songs to the teacher page to help in number and letter recognition. Students can also sing along to help with their sounds.
Posted: October 7, 2019
Just a reminder to students; any students who brought back their memo to get retakes or sibling pictures will be taken tomorrow (Tuesday). Any student who did not send back the memo will not be called down for retakes of sibling pictures.
Posted: October 6, 2019
Le son O (AU)
Posted: October 6, 2019
Le son O (AU)
Sound of the week
Posted: October 6, 2019
Posted: October 6, 2019
Homework for the week:
- Read the sound poem “O” and the sound words 1-2 times aloud.
We will begin a new book on Tuesday. Students are to read their book 1-2 times aloud. *Some students will begin to bring home leveled books. Encourage them to look at the picture, follow along with their finger and read aloud.
- Sight Words: Students will begin bringing home Sight words to practice. Every Friday there will be a quiz. Students are to read each of the words aloud at home. I will also be sending a bag of letters home with students to practice making the words.
Printing book: Students are to do letter B this week. Trace and write the letter in between the lines. This will help when they are writing their stories. *Some students have finished B, so they won’t have that for homework.
Math: We have been working on repeating patterns and counting forwards and backwards 1 to 20. Students are to practice singing the songs on the teacher page, or practice saying the numbers forwards and backwards. They also created a number rocket ship so they can use that to help with their counting.
Fire Safety Week
Monday: Gym & Music
Homework sent home,
Tuesday: Gym
Wednesday: Gym
Thursday: Library, Music\Gym
Friday: Homework returned
Show and Tell (One student will present, I will write in their agenda)