Ms. Hitchman

welcome back!

Posted: November 25, 2019

Le son AN

Sound of the week for 25-29 novembre, 2019

Homework was sent home in their homework folders today.

Sound Song is on the teacher page.

Monday: Homework sent home, Gym and Music class

-      Math quiz to be signed and returned to school

Tuesday:  New book sent home “Que fait un bon ami”

-      Gym

Wednesday: Gym

Thursday:  Library (return books), Gym & music

Friday: Homework and reading books returned.  

Show and Tell (One student will present, I will write in their agenda)

*Students will be going skating NEXT week. Please check the December calendar for the date and time.

They will need a helmet and skates. All parents/guardians are welcome to come! 

Posted: November 18, 2019

*Homework is listed in their home folders

Monday: Homework and survey memos sent home


  • Gym
  • Report Cards sent home and interview forms to fill out. If you are unable to attend parent/teacher between those times, please let me know and we can schedule another day the following week. If you do not feel the need to meet at this time, you can check off the box on the form and send it back. Thank you!


  • Gym
  • Return Survey forms


  • Library (return books), Gym & music
  • Show and Tell (One student will present, I will write in their agenda)
  • Parent/Teacher meetings
  • Homework and reading books returned. 


  • No school for students
  • Parent/teacher meetings in the AM

Posted: November 18, 2019

Louis ours (OU)

The sound of the week for 18-22 novembre, 2019

Posted: November 17, 2019

If you would like to order school clothing, the order forms are due back this Wednesday November 20th. You can check the school website for the coloured sheet, so you can see the logos and colours. An order form was sent home on Friday. Please check homework folders for this form. 

Thank you, 

Mme Hitchman

Posted: November 14, 2019

Just a friendly reminder to log your child's reading on the log sheet provided in their homework folder. 

Students can also print the title of the book themselves. 

-Mme Hitchman

Posted: November 13, 2019

Le son è (Sound of the week)

There are many combinations of letters that make this sound. Students are to sing the sound poem each night and practice their words in their Sound book. 


Posted: November 13, 2019

The sound of the week song is on the teacher page as well and on youtube.

Monday: Remembrance Day (No school)

Tuesday:  Snow day (No school)

Wednesday: Homework sent home, Gym

Thursday:  National Jersey day: Students can wear their favorite sports jersey to school to show school spirit! Library (return books), Gym & music

Friday: Homework and reading books returned.  

Show and Tell (One student will present, I will write in their agenda)


Homework is in their homework folders. Students are reminded to read each night and work on their sight words. The baggie I sent home this week will be good for the remainder of the school year. Please ensure that students put all the letters back so they are able to create all of the sight words. 

Have a wonderful short week! 

Mme Hitchman

Posted: November 6, 2019

Ma Famille

Our theme this month is on family, friends and pets.

This song focuses on the family vocabulary and students find it very funny. 


Posted: November 3, 2019

Homework sent home in homework folders:

Monday: Homework sent home, Gym & Music 

*Homework will be due back on Thursday as there is no school for students on Friday.

Tuesday: Gym

Wednesday: Gym

Thursday: Remembrance Day Assembly at 10am. All are welcome to attend.Students are asked to bring in a poppy donation if they can.

Show and Tell (One student will present, I will write in their agenda)

                  Gym & music

Friday: No School for students, PL day for teachers

Reminder that there is no school on Monday, as it is Remembrance Day. See you all on Tuesday

Have a wonderful week!

Mme Hitchman


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