Homework for the week:
- Read the sound poem “ é ” and the sound words 1-2 times aloud.
Read: Students are to practice reading their books as much as possible. They will help their fluency, french vocabulary and confidence.
- Sight Words: Students are to read each of the words aloud at home. They can create the word with the bag of letters sent home.
Printing book: Students are to do letter D this week. Trace and write the letter in between the lines. This will help when they are writing their stories.
Math: We are working on 2D & 3D shapes in Math. Students are working on sorting 2D and 3D shapes using different sorting rules discussed in class. Students are encouraged to look for 3D objects at home that resemble the 3D shapes.
Monday: Gym & Music (Book Fair Begins) Homework sent home
Book Fair begins
Tuesday: Gym
Wednesday: Gym
Thursday: Music\Gym Library: We have library every Thursday. Students can keep their library book for the week and return it on Thursday.
Friday: Completed Homework returned
Show and Tell (One student will present, I will write in their agenda)
Book Fair - Our Book Fair will be held this week from October 21st - October 24th. It is open from 9:00 until 3:00 on Monday - Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00 until 12:00. Family Night is on Wednesday October 23rd from 5:00 - 8:00PM. There will be french and english books available to purchase.
Halloween Dance -There is a dance for the K-2 students on Friday October 25th from 5:30 - 6:30PM in the cafeteria. Students can wear a costume if they would like. The cost is $5.00 and there is a canteen available.
Have a wonderful week grade 1!
Mme Hitchman