Ms. Hitchman

welcome back!

Posted: October 17, 2019

Posted: October 17, 2019

This song will help in learning the vocabulary for items found in their bookbags. 


Posted: October 15, 2019

Le son O "Georges le coq"

This week we are learning about the open "O" Sound. Students have the word sheet in their sound book as well as this new sound. 

Students are to sing along with the song at home and read the sound words. 

Posted: October 15, 2019

Homework for the week:

  • Homework was sent home and is in their home folder. 
  • I will be sending a reading book home with them on Wednesday. Students are to read one of the books in their homework bag tonight. 

Tuesday: Gym

Wednesday: Gym

Thursday: Library, Music\Gym

Friday: Homework returned

Show and Tell (One student will present, I will write in their agenda)

Posted: October 14, 2019

Dans ma salle de classe (Song)

Students are learning vocabulary of classroom items. This song is great review!

Posted: October 14, 2019

Les formes 2D (shapes)

Posted: October 14, 2019

Les formes 2D (shapes)

The first video until 3:30 seconds is a short video on 2D shapes

Posted: October 10, 2019


Just a reminder that the class won their class prize by filling their marble jar so there will be No Homework tonight! :)


Also a memo was sent home about the pumpkin challenge. We will do that tomorrow!

Thank you,

Mme Hitchman

Posted: October 8, 2019

Posted: October 8, 2019

Alphabet song

I will be adding more songs to the teacher page to help in number and letter recognition. Students can also sing along to help with their sounds.


Image Galleries

Added: Mon, Mar 18 2024


Added: Sun, May 12 2024