Today your child has brought home their Borrow-A-Book reading bag for homework. In the bag you will find a note explaining the reading program, a reading log sheet that your child must sign after they read their book and 2 books. We want reading to be a fun experience for the children so really encourage them to tell you what they see in the pictures, ask what they think will happen next or what they like about what they see in the picture. Keep your books until Friday and return them to class in the bag given.Two new books will go home each week. If you have any question please call me at school 627-4074. Happy reading!
We have library on Tuesday so please return your book so you can sign out a new one.
Phys. Ed Classes are everyday except Tuesday. Please wear comfy clothes to run and play in.
We are settling into our classroom and getting to know each other better. We are learning each others names quickly with our morning greetings. We have been working on the letters\sounds for Aa and Bb. We are practicing printing our name and recognizing letters in our name. We are learning to be good listeners when others are talking and waiting for our turn to share. In math we have been having lots of fun sorting different manipulatives and started our unit on patterns. Look for patterns at home and see if your child can tell you what comes next. We have discussed a lot about playground safety and the importance of following school\class rules. We have been having fun playing in our centers, remembering to share, care, take turns and clean up when we are done.As you can see we have been very busy in Kindergarten but,most importantly we are having fun.