Posted: November 1, 2017
Here is our wonderful class. I am so glad to have such a great group of Kindergarten students.
Posted: November 1, 2017
Here is our wonderful class. I am so glad to have such a great group of Kindergarten students.
Posted: October 30, 2017
Beautiful smiles from my wonderful Kindergarten students. I am looking forward to our exciting year together.Welcome to our class :)
Posted: October 29, 2017
Posted: October 29, 2017
Hi there! I hope you had a fun weekend with your family and friends. We had a lot of fun at our school costume parade. Everyone looked terrific in their costumes.
Homework - Please refer to the homework sheet sent home on Monday. Read each night. Review zoo-phonics letters\sounds, rhyme and count forwards and backwards 1-10 and 10-1. Can you start from any number and count to 10? Give it a try!
This week we will celebrate Halloween by wearing orange and black on Tuesday, October 31st.There will be no homework on Halloween. Please be safe and remember the safety rules we talked about in class when you are out trick or treating!
We have gym classes every Monday, Thursday and Friday. Please dress in comfortable clothing.
Our Library day is Tuesday.Please return your book so that you can sign out a new one.
K-5 students and parents are invited to a Math Fun Night on Thursday Nov.2 from 6:00-7:30pm. We will be playing lots of new and fun Math games on the Smart board, I-Pads, STEM bins and board games. Come out and join us.
This will be a very exciting week for everyone. Have fun and Happy Halloween!
Posted: October 23, 2017
All K-8 students are encouraged to bring their costume to school for our parade in the afternoon. Please no mask or make up.Thanks!
Posted: October 23, 2017
Students can carve a pumpkin at home and bring it in for judging.
Posted: October 23, 2017
Hi Everyone I hope you had a fantastic weekend. We have a busy week ahead with some very fun school activities planned.
- Read each night. A new book willl be sent home each night.Please return your book and boorow-a-book bag daily. Remember to sign your reading log. Review Zoo-phonics actions, letters\sounds. We are focusing on letters g and h this week.
- The Credit Union will be at school on Tuesday October 24th.
-We have Library every Tuesday. Please return your book so that you can borrow another book.
- Phys. Ed. classes are Monday,Thursday and Friday. Please wear comfy clothing.
- Wednesday October 25th is a 1/2 day for students and a PD day for Teachers. Early dismissal will be at 11:30am.
-A Pumpkin Carving Contest by the Home and School well be held on Thursday October, 26. You are encouraged to carve a pumpkin at home and bring it in on Thursday for judging. Have fun!
- A Costume Parade will be held at school for all students on Friday afternoon, October 27th. Students can bring their costume to wear, but no mask or face paint. Thanks!
Have a fun week in Kindergarten.
Posted: October 16, 2017
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kindergarten_homework_for_this_week_october_16-20.docx | 13.24 KB |
Posted: October 16, 2017
We have been counting to 5 in Math and this song was one of our favourites. We read the book, used the felt frogs to re-tell the story and even took turns being the 5 green speckled frogs. A great counting song.Thanks to Mrs. Dalton for sharing it with us. Enjoy!
Posted: October 11, 2017
Welcome Back! I hope that everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving weekend. We have so much to be thankful for and it was nice to spend time with family and friends.
Homework this week- Read each night
- Review Zoo-phonics actions, letters\sounds. We are focusing on letters d and e this week.
- This is Fire Prevention Week- please read the information that went home and practice; fire drill and find a good meeting place for your family. Please check your smoke detectors and help your child learn their address and phone numbers.
-Library every Tuesday. You must return your book before you sign out a new one.
- Book orders go home Tuesday and are due Friday Oct. 13. Please send in the money along with the book order form.
- Phys. Ed. classes are Thursday and Friday this week. Please wear comfy clothing.
Our Hospital trip was a lot of fun. We visited the Physiotherapy, X-Ray and Emergency departments. We learned a lot and got to try and see a lot of neat things. We would like to thank everyone for showing us how they do their job and ways they help others to feel better. The children were awesome on our tour. Great job, Kindergarten!
Picture Re-takes and sibling pictures, will be on Thurs Oct. 12. Please write a little note in your childs agenda if you would like for them to get a picture today. Thanks!
Have a fantastic week at school. Smile and have fun!