Ms. Sullivan

Welcome To Grade 2!

Posted: January 26, 2014


Sun, Jan 26/14 8:00 pm

Posted: January 26, 2014


Mon, Jan 27/14 8:00 pm

Posted: January 19, 2014


Tue, Jan 21/14 8:00 pm

Posted: January 19, 2014

 Hi Everyone,  I hope you enjoyed the nice weekend we had. We are ready to start another full week of school. Please make sure you are dressed for the weather. We are expecting some colder temperatures this week.    Phys.Ed  Our Phys.Ed days this week are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.        School Credit Union  This month's Shcool Credit Union Day will be on Wednesday January 22nd.        Math  We have started working on our unit with Adding and Subtracting to 18. Keep working on your strategies; Making 10, doubles, adding and subtracting 0, and adding 1.  We have done work with fact families and word problems. Now we are working on equal and unequal and the signs to use.    Borrow-A-Book  It is very important that you continue to read each night and that you record your book on the log sheet. Use your strategies that we have worked on in class to help with your reading.    Project With Texas  We had a great meeting with our friends in Texas and enjoyed reconnecting with them again. Evan, Noah and Randy did a great job with the reports and poetry reading. We received their cards and treats when we returned after the break. It is their turn to write this months letter. We checked on our tulip garden and it was covered in snow. They planted their tulips on Dec. 18th and they told us that some of them had emerged!    Primary Corner  We have started Primary Corner on the morning announcements. Tune in on Wednesdays to find out what is going on in K-2. Each week we have 2 students bringing news from the Primary Grades. The students have done a super job reporting!      Library  Our library day is on Friday. Make sure you bring your book back, so you can get a new one.      Have a fabulous week!

Posted: January 19, 2014

The students designed and made their own pair of mittens and we made a Mitten Tree with them. Using recycled paper, the students cut shapes and created a winter scene. Wonderful work Grade 2!

Posted: January 12, 2014

 Hi Everyone,  I hope you had a good weekend! We are back to a full week. Make sure you are dressed for the weather.      Skating  Remember we have skating Monday January 13th. We will be skating with our Grade 6 buddies. Make sure you have skates and helmets. Parents please join us if you can.      Scholastic Book Orders  If you would like to order a book, the order forms are due back on Friday January 17th.        Phys.Ed  Our Phys.Ed days are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.        Math  We have started our new unit on Addition and Subtraction to 18. This week we will be sending home some strategies and math facts we will be using. Please work on them at home.      Borrow-A-Book  Please make sure you read your book each night and record it on the log sheet. Use the strategies we have been working on to help with unknown words.    Library  Our library day is on Friday. Make sure you bring your book back.    Have a great week!

Posted: January 12, 2014


Thu, Jan 16/14 8:00 pm

Posted: January 7, 2014

 Happy New Year!  Welcome back everyone! I hope you had a wonderful holiday and were able to celebrate with your family and friends. May 2014 be a healthy, fun and happy year for everyone.    Phys.Ed  Our Phys.Ed days this week are Tuesday and Wednesday.        Skating  Our next skating day is on Monday January 13th. Ice time is from 9:00 - 9;40AM. This is a special day as our Grade 6 Buddies will be skating with us. Make sure you have your skates and helmets. Parents you are welcome to join us if you can.    Math  We are starting a new unit on adding and subtracting to 18. Keep working on counting in different ways. Look for fact sheets and strategies that will be coming home in the next few days.    Borrow-A-Book  After being off for two weeks, it is imortant that you read each night. Make sure you use your strategies to help with unknown words and record your book on the log sheet.    Library  Our library day is on Friday. If you have not brought your book back, make sure you bring it in so you can take out a new one.    Have a fabulous week!

Posted: January 7, 2014


Sun, Jan 12/14 8:00 pm

Posted: December 16, 2013

The students did a wonderful job with their Christmas art work and writing. The trees are beautiful! Excellent job Grade 2!


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