Posted: June 8, 2015
Ms. Sullivan
Welcome To Grade 2!
Posted: May 31, 2015
Hi Everyone, I hope you had a fun weekend and were able to get outside and enjoy the weather. It is hard to believe that we have started the month of June! Phys. Ed. Our Phys. Ed days this week are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Library Our library day is Wednesday. This will be our last library day and all books are due back at this time. Math We are learning about 2D and 3D shapes and collecting data. So far we have made concrete graphs and pictographs. Students should keep working on their facts and strategies. Homework/Borrow-A-Book The homework for the week is listed in the yellow folders. Our spelling words this week focus on /ow/ words and school words. Please make sure you are reading each night and record your book on the log sheet. Timeline Project The Memo and poster for the timeline projects went home on Thursday, May 28th. The projects are due back on Friday June 5th. If you have them done before please bring them in. We have been learning about how people, plants and animals grow. The timeline will show the students how they have changed and grown over time. Class Project With Texas We had our final meeting with our friends in Ms. Sands class on Friday and it was their last day of school. We got their letters and the book they made us, If You Give A Horse A Hotdog. We loved the book! It was a wonderful project and the students learned lots of new things and had fun doing different activities. We were a little sad to say good-bye, but hopefully the students will be able to keep in touch with their pen pal by writing to each other over the summer. CaterpillarsThe students are enjoying watching and observing the caterpillars and learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. We have 23 caterpillars in their chrysalis stage and there are still 2 that are caterpillars. One is still very small. We are hoping to see some butterflies this week! Have a great week!
Posted: May 25, 2015
Hi evryone,I hope you had a good weekend! It is hard to believe that it is the last week of May! Phys. Ed Our Phys. Ed days this week are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Library Our library day is on Wednesday. Make sure you bring your book back so you can get another one. Math We just finished up our unit on Addition and Subtraction With 2-Digit Numbers. Now we will be working on 2D and 3D shapes and collecting data. It would still be a good idea to keep working on your facts and strategies at home. Jump Rope For Heart If you are participating in the Jump Rope For Heart and collecting pledges, the event is being held on Thursday May 28th at 1:20PM. All pledge sheets are due back no later than May 29th. Class Project With Texas We were able to meet twice last week and do two reports. Avery, Zoe, Lily, Carson, Luke, Austin M., and Alexa did a fabulous job as the reporters and poetry readers. They showed us that their silk worms had turned into moths and then they had hundreds of baby silk worms! They are getting a lot of rain down there and they did have some flooding in some areas. We mailed out our letters and class book. Their last day of school is on May 29th, so we will have our final meeting with them this week. Homework/Borrow-A-Book The homework for the week is listed in the yellow folders. Please make sure you are reading each night and record your book on the log sheet. The spelling words this week focus on question words that start with /wh/. Literacy Assessment Just a reminder that our Literacy Assessment continues this week. It is important that the students are here each day and on time. We will be working on the assessment first class each morning. We will be done on Thursday May 28th. Have a great week!
Posted: May 25, 2015
Tue, May 26/15 9:00 pm
Posted: May 25, 2015
Mon, May 25/15 9:00 pm
Posted: May 25, 2015
Sun, May 24/15 9:00 pm
Posted: May 25, 2015
Wed, May 27/15 9:00 pm
Posted: May 21, 2015
Posted: May 21, 2015
Posted: May 21, 2015