Ms. Hitchman

welcome back!

Les devoirs: Homework for this week: 

  1. Students are to read their sound poem Martin Mouton each night and practice the sound "M" (There is a video uploaded on the teacher page)
  2. Students are to practice reading the words sent home with the poem as well.
  3. Students are learning about shapes. I attached 3 different songs on the web links that they can listen to at home to practice.
  4. Practice the Alphabet each night (Video clip on teacher page) There are also others on youtube.
  5. Students are to read one of their french books in their zip lock bags once a night. Please send the ziplock bag back each day as they will be using these books in class as well.
  6. Scholastic book orders for the month of December will be sent out on Wednesday. Due date for orders will be December 7th to ensure they are delivered before Christmas break.
  7. Show and tell: The line leader on Friday will be able to bring in something special to show and share to the class. They will know on wednesday or thursday.

Posted: November 19, 2017

Happy Monday! Just a few reminders of what is happening in the next couple of weeks!

  1. The School Credit Union Day is on Wednesday November 22nd.
  2. Report Cards go home on Tuesday.
  3. Parent-Teacher meetings are on Thursday November 23rd from 4:00 - 6:30PM and Friday November 24th from 9:00-11:30AM.
  4. There is no school for students on Friday November 24th.
  5. Food Drive: Nelson Rural has started the annual food drive for the Food Bank and will be collecting any donations until December 15th. If you can bring an item, it would be very much appreciated!
  6. Our School Book Fair is next week November 27th - November 30th.

Posted: November 19, 2017

Students created Their individual videos for week 11! I am so pleased with the progress they are making! These videos are never scripted. Students do one video each week and can talk about what they have Learned so far That week or from previous weeks.

keep up the great work! 

Posted: November 19, 2017

Posted: November 16, 2017

We are working on shapes, word work and creating sentences. We also have begun morning yoga poses To start our day! 

Posted: November 16, 2017

We have begun yoga in the morning to start our day. 

Posted: November 16, 2017

We have begun yoga in the morning to start our day. 

Posted: November 16, 2017

Our grade 1 class were invited to a "hangout" session with Brilliant labs Along with other classes across the province! This session was to learn more about the microbits. Our class was greeted by Jacob and Kayoe, who spoke to the class in French. Great session! 

Posted: November 16, 2017

Our grade 1 class were invited to "hangout" in a virtual session with Brilliant Labs along with other classes across the province to learn more about the Microbits. Our class was greeted by Jacob and Kayoe, who spoke to the class in French. Great session!

Posted: November 16, 2017


Mon, Nov 20/17 (All day)


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