Ms. Hitchman

welcome back!

Posted: November 16, 2017

We have begun yoga in the morning to start our day. 

Posted: November 16, 2017

We have begun yoga in the morning to start our day. 

Posted: November 16, 2017

Our grade 1 class were invited to a "hangout" session with Brilliant labs Along with other classes across the province! This session was to learn more about the microbits. Our class was greeted by Jacob and Kayoe, who spoke to the class in French. Great session! 

Posted: November 16, 2017

Our grade 1 class were invited to "hangout" in a virtual session with Brilliant Labs along with other classes across the province to learn more about the Microbits. Our class was greeted by Jacob and Kayoe, who spoke to the class in French. Great session!

Posted: November 16, 2017


Mon, Nov 20/17 (All day)

Posted: November 16, 2017


A memo was sent home today regarding skating for Grade 1. Our class will be going skating on Monday, November 20th.

Parents and\or grandparents are welcome to join us!

If your child does not have a helmet or skates, please let me know, and I will do my best to find some for them before Monday.

Thank you!

Mme Hitchman



Posted: November 14, 2017

Les devoirs: Homework for this week: 

  1. Students are to read their sound poem Louis Ours each night and practice the sound "ou" (There is a video uploaded on the teacher page)
  2. Students are to practice reading the words sent home with the poem as well.
  3. Students are learning about shapes. I attached 3 different songs on the web links that they can listen to at home to practice.
  4. Practice the Alphabet once a night (Video clip on teacher page)
  5. Students are to read one of their french books in their zip lock bags once a night.
  6. Please send back all levelled books tomorrow so I can send new books home in their ziplock baggie. (French books stay in the zip lock bag as well)
  7. Scholastic book orders for the month of December will be sent out on Wednesday. Due date for orders will be December 7th to ensure they are delivered before Christmas break.

Posted: November 13, 2017

Louis Ours: Le son OU


Week of Novembre 14- 17th: Students will be learning the sound "ou" in class. Please practice this sound with your child at home with this song and the words sent home in their sound book.

Thank you!

Mme Hitchman

Posted: November 8, 2017

A great moment of two students conversing during a few minutes of free time! Bravo les filles!


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