Ms. Hitchman

welcome back!

Posted: December 8, 2017

Just a reminder that we are still collecting for the Food Bank and also donations for the SPCA.

We have two boxes in our classroom and would like to fill them. We will be collecting for the food bank until Dec.15th and collecting for the SPCA until December 18th.

Merry Christmas!

Mme Hitchman

Posted: December 8, 2017

Nicolas Nounours

Posted: December 7, 2017

Chanson pour Noel

Posted: December 4, 2017

Posted: December 4, 2017

Posted: December 3, 2017

A grade 8 student volunteered to read to our grade one french immersion class. Students were excited to hear an older student speaking French!

merci Ryan!

Posted: December 3, 2017

Our class had a visitor come in to read with them on Friday. One of our grade 8 students who speak french, came to read them a Christmas story! The students wanted to sing him the sound poem they learned this week! Great job!

Thank you ryan for coming and reading to the students!

Posted: December 3, 2017

Les devoirs: Homework for this week: 

  1. Students are to read their sound poem Gabrielle Grenouille each night this week and practice the sound "g" (There is a video uploaded on the teacher page) This is the hard g sound, as in Gate
  2. Students are to practice reading the words sent home with the poem as well, they will be doing activities with these words throughout the week.
  3. Math: Any work that is not finished in class will be sent home to complete.
  4. Practice the Alphabet each night (Video clip on teacher page) There are also others on youtube.
  5. New french books will be sent home each Monday. Please allow students to read the book aloud. They can colour one star on their bookmark by the end of the week, if they can read it atleast 4 times fluently.
  6. Scholastic book orders: Due date for orders will be December 7th to ensure they are delivered before Christmas break.
  7. Show and tell: The line leader on Friday will be able to bring in something special to show and share to the class. They will know on wednesday or thursday.
  8. You and your world: We are continuing to work on Healthy choices. Students are asked to bring one piece of fruit for Wednesday for an activity we are doing. Thank you!
  9. Memos will be sent home regarding the SPCA and the Christmas Concert, please look for them in the yellow home folders.

Posted: December 3, 2017

Gabrielle Grenouille

Posted: December 1, 2017

We had a great time at the Superstore today! Our grade 1 students were greeted by the Dietician who brought them through the aisles for a nutritional tour! They went on a scavenger hunt for different items, looking at healthy food choices by using the STAR system. They also went back to school...


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