Ms. Hitchman

welcome back!

Posted: October 30, 2017


Just a reminder that students can wear ORANGE and NOIR (Black) for halloween if they would like! :)


Joyeuse halloween!!

-Mme Hitchman

Posted: October 29, 2017

Lucie Tortue

Please allow students to practice singing this sound each night.

Posted: October 29, 2017

Les devoirs: Homework for this week: 

  1. Students are to read their sound poem Lucie Tortue each night and practice the sound "u" (There is a video uploaded on the teacher page)
  2. I will also be starting to send home words with their poem to read over to practice the sound of the week.
  3. Practice their numbers 1-20 in french forwards and backwards (Video links on teacher page & they can use their rocket ship at home)
  4. Show and tell on Friday : Couleur: Rainbow (arc en ciel)
  5. Practice the Alphabet once a night (Video clip on teacher page)
  6. Students have started bringing home french books to read each night! Bravo! Please allow them to read it aloud to a parent/guardian and return it back to school by Friday. This week, students are to read “Qui est dans ta famille?" once each night. 
  7. Please send back all levelled books each Monday so I can send new books home in their ziplock baggie.

Bonne journée!

Mme Hitchman

Posted: October 29, 2017

Posted: October 27, 2017


Just a note to parents regarding next Tuesday, October 31st.

  1. If your child would like to bring in a little treat to the class on Tuesday, feel free, I will be bringing in a healthy option as many will be receiving candy when going trick or treating.
  2. The only meal served on Tuesday is the halloween dinner, so if your child did not order this by today, please make sure they have a packed lunch.

Joyeuse halloween!!

Mme Hitchman

Posted: October 25, 2017


Check out our class page on twitter!

Posted: October 25, 2017

Just a reminder that students are to read their new french book "Qui est dans ta famille" each night at home.

They did a great job in class!

Posted: October 23, 2017

students are learning about their family and played a game today where they had to form two lines and ask each other questions About their family. 

Posted: October 23, 2017

Charles Chat - Sound Ch

Le son de la semaine

Posted: October 23, 2017

Les devoirs: Homework for this week: 

  1. Students are to read their sound poem Charles Chat each night and practice the sound "ch" (There is a video uploaded on the teacher page)
  2. Practice their numbers 1-30 in french forwards and backwards (Video links on teacher page & they can use their rocket ship at home)
  3. Show and tell on Friday : Couleur: Purple (Violet)
  4. Practice the Alphabet once a night (Video clip on teacher page)
  5. Students have started bringing home french books to read each night! Bravo! Please allow them to read it aloud to a parent/guardian and return it back to school by Friday. This week, I asked students to read "Joyeuse halloween". They will have a new book on Wednesday.
  6. Please send back all levelled books each Monday so I can send new books home in their ziplock baggie.
  7. Two memos were sent home today about Halloween. Students will be dressing up at school this Friday to do a halloween costume parade! Students are asked to bring their costume, as they will put it on after they eat lunch. Also, no scary masks or face paint please.
  8. If students are buying the Halloween lunch on Tuesday, please have the pre-order in by this Friday. Thank you!  

Bonne journée!

Mme Hitchman


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