Ms. Hall

Welcome Back Grade 7

Posted: January 19, 2022

It has come to my attention that some students are having difficulty accessing some of what is being posted on TEAMS. 

I have posted the most recent Science Exploration and Write-up templates here.

I will also make paper copies of both the Science and upcoming Math assignment for those parents who are able to come by the school on Friday to pick up. 

I'm so proud of the kids showing up every day doing their best!  :)

Due Date: 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Some students had difficulty finding this on TEAMS, so I'm posting here as well  :)

File grade_6_lab_report.docx13.18 KB

Posted: January 19, 2022

Some students were having difficulty seeing this on TEAMS, so I'm attaching it here as well   :)

File grade_6_assignment_angles.docx1.18 MB

Posted: January 18, 2022

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to touch base here. Most of my contact with students is through the TEAMS page. Students can find copies of the Math packet pages as well as the text pages there. I have also been posting the information for Science classes there. 

Students, please log in to classes as much as you can.  

For Grade 6 Science I had posted that the good copy for the Investigation of Drag (this was done before the Christmas break) is due upon your return. Please be sure to have that complete as we were given class time before the break to start the good copy and all of last week's science classes to finish.

Since then, we have introduced a new experiment to learn about Thrust. I have spoken to each class (those that are logging in) about what to do, and the template for writing a good copy of the experiment can be found on the TEAMS page, along with a copy of the experiment itself. 

The experiments are intended to be a fun way to learn about our study of flight. I will be giving this week, and next for students to complete the experiment and complete their write-up. Your final copy should be finished by January 28th. 

Have fun!

Due Date: 

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Posted: January 13, 2022

I'm providing a link for a fun Science activity on thrust for next week's class. Please have your parent(s) permission to do the experiment and it is NOT to be set off inside the house, as it is messy!

Due Date: 

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Posted: January 11, 2022

File letter_for_6h.docx169.54 KB

Posted: January 7, 2022

Hello everyone, and welcome back (ish!). It is my hope that everyone had a nice Christmas break  :)

Sarting January 11th, schools will moving into home learning. This means classes will be conducted through student's TEAM pages as was done the last time we were out.

Just a couple reminders : Home packets will be provided and available Monday afternoon. Students can come, pick up their things from their lockers as well as home learning packets from their teachers. 

*Please be sure to check with each of your subject teachers to see if they have packets for you.

* I have prepared Math packets for both Grade 6 AND Grade 8:

Grade 6 - Please be sure to pick up your protractor and ruler when you pick up your things as we are working on angles.

*Remember to take your agenda, so you have your daily class schedule as well.

*If anyone has forgotten their username and password, just e-mail me at and I can send you the information there. 

Grade 8 - Also, don't forget your calculators and some graph paper (for models - not necessary, but might keep your work neater) and a ruler for number lines.

Hopefully we will be back inside the class soon, but until then, we'll do our best together!  :)

Ms. Hall


Due Date: 

Friday, January 7, 2022

Posted: December 15, 2021

Hello everyone!

I have posted on our Teams pages a little bit for today if anyone has their books at home. 

Take care and hopefully we'll see you again tomorrow  :)

Due Date: 

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Posted: December 7, 2021

Math - Assignment signed / *some had a note to fix

ELA - Read 20 minutes / Journal entries (2)

Phys Ed - Tomorrow - bring change of clothes / warm clothes

*Report cards signed and returned

*Christmas shop donations - due Dec 10 (Friday) / Shopping Day Dec. 14th

*Christmas dinner orders due Friday $4 for students


Due Date: 

Tuesday, December 7, 2021


Image Galleries

Added: Tue, Jan 11 2022


Added: Tue, Feb 28 2023