Home Learning January 11 - 21

Posted: January 7, 2022

Due Date: 

Friday, January 7, 2022

Hello everyone, and welcome back (ish!). It is my hope that everyone had a nice Christmas break  :)

Sarting January 11th, schools will moving into home learning. This means classes will be conducted through student's TEAM pages as was done the last time we were out.

Just a couple reminders : Home packets will be provided and available Monday afternoon. Students can come, pick up their things from their lockers as well as home learning packets from their teachers. 

*Please be sure to check with each of your subject teachers to see if they have packets for you.

* I have prepared Math packets for both Grade 6 AND Grade 8:

Grade 6 - Please be sure to pick up your protractor and ruler when you pick up your things as we are working on angles.

*Remember to take your agenda, so you have your daily class schedule as well.

*If anyone has forgotten their username and password, just e-mail me at michelle.hall@nbed.nb.ca and I can send you the information there. 

Grade 8 - Also, don't forget your calculators and some graph paper (for models - not necessary, but might keep your work neater) and a ruler for number lines.

Hopefully we will be back inside the class soon, but until then, we'll do our best together!  :)

Ms. Hall