Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Our Happy Kinders~

Posted: October 24, 2023

Hip,Hip,Hoooray!!! Ari is 5 day! We want to wish this sweet little guy a very happy birthday. Enjoy your special day,Ari.Love your Kinder friends, Mrs.Sullivan-Goguen and Mrs.Harris!

Posted: October 22, 2023

Hi there, Happy Sunday! It was a chilly and wet weekend but the beautiful fall colours were very evident .Such a lovely time of year!I hope you had time to get out and enjoy mother natures beauty!!

Benefit for William Smith- Please come out and support this sweet little boy and his family at our benefit concert this Sunday 2-4pm at the school. There will be singing, dancing, children games, bake sale and BBQ. Lots of fun for everyone and all proceeds go to the Smith Family! Thanks for your support.

This week we are celebrating School Spirit Week and I encourage all of my little ones to show your Raiders spirit and participate in each dress day. The class with the best participation wins the Raiders helmet.Here is the schedule for spirit week Let's Go Kinders!!

Tuesday – October 24th – Black and Orange Day   

Wednesday – October 25th – Plaid Shirt Day

Thursday – October 26th - Backwards/Inside Out Day

Friday – October 27th - Costume Parade/Assembly 1:00pm- bring your costume to school, we will change in the afternoon. Please don't send in a lot of accessories, we don't want anythin to get broken or misplaced before Halloween.

Homework- Read your ABC letter tracing book.Review this book each night tracing each letter by following the arrows with their finger, say the letter name and sound. Please sign the reading log each night.

Phys. Ed- This week we will have phys.ed classes on Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Please dress in comfy clothes for when you exercise and play in the gym.   

Library- We visit the library on Thursday. Please remember to return your book so you will be able to sign out a new one.

Secret Path Week- We will continue our Secret Path activity until the end of October. We have almost reached our student challenge to walk 69 km during the month of October. As a class we have another km to go and hope to add 1 or 2 more before the end of the month. You can still send in donatations to this special cause until Oct.31st.We appreciate your support.

Annual School Pumpkin Carving\Decorating Contest- All enteries are due on or by Thursday, Oct.26th. Take a picture of your little one with their pumpkin and email it to Be sure to include your childs name, grade and teacher name. Can't wait to see what you come up with, Kinders! Have fun and good luck!

We are in for a fun week at school. Let's show our school spirit and have an awesome week together! Remember to listen, share and care for each other. Smile and be kind! Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen:)


Looking for a fun activity? Carve or decorate a pumpkin with your little one, take a picture and send it to  on or before Thursday, Oct.26. Have fun and good luck!!

PDF icon pumpkin_carving_contest.pdf516.57 KB

Posted: October 20, 2023

Hope to see everyone on Sunday, 2-4pm! Lets show our Raiders spirit and come out and support William and his family. Thank you for your support!


Sun, Oct 22/23 2:00 am

Please come  out and join us for an aftrnoon of fun at school on Sunday from 2-4 pm at a benefit concert and children activities, for William Smith and his family. William is a sweet little Grade 1 Raider who is under going treatment at the IWK. Feel better soon, William! We miss you!!

Posted: October 20, 2023

Our Kinders were all smiles today wearing their purple, as we honour all residential school students, especially Chanie who we remember today.Every Child Matters!


Thu, Oct 26/23 (All day)


Fri, Oct 27/23 (All day)

Posted: October 19, 2023


Wed, Oct 25/23 (All day)


Tue, Oct 24/23 (All day)


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