Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Our Happy Kinders~

Posted: October 31, 2023

Great work with your Halloween witches , Kinders. The wild hair is made from our handprints.


Fri, Nov 3/23 (All day)

Posted: October 30, 2023


Wed, Nov 1/23 (All day)

Posted: October 30, 2023


Tue, Oct 31/23 12:56 am

Posted: October 30, 2023

Congratulations Phoenix, great work!!

Posted: October 30, 2023

Hello everyone! Good bye October and hello Novemeber! It's hard to believe we are in our last few days of October,the days are sure flying bye. I hope you had a super fun weekend together. We are expecting some cooler weather this week,maybe even some snow! YIKES! So please be sure to pack your hat, gloves\mittens and wear a warmer coat and boots.

We had a lot of fun during Spirit week and I was so happy to see the children participate by dressing up for each theme day. We loved the costume parade and our Kinders looked great in their costumes. Be sure to check out the pictures.

Homework- Read your ABC letter tracing book.Review this book each night tracing each letter by following the arrows with their finger, say the letter name and sound. Also this week, please read, "I See Halloween" book. It is very important that you write on the reading log each night, so I know that your child is working on their letters and sounds. Please have your child print their own name on the sheet each time they read. Please do not record library books or books that you have read from home. For now, only the ABC book, Halloween Counting and I See Halloween books are the only  titles that should be recorded on the log. If you have any questions about homework please give me a call at school, 627-4074. Thanks.

Phys. Ed- This week we will have phys.ed classes on Monday,Tuesday, and Wednesday. Please dress in comfy clothes for when you exercise and play in the gym.   

Library- We visit the library on Thursday. Please remember to return your book each week. Students will not be alllowed to sign out another book until the previous book is returned. The children are vey excited to visit the library and love to pick out a new book.

Secret Path Week- Our Secret Path activity is coming to an end on Tuesday,October 31st. We will reach our class goal this week. Great job, Kinders! Donatations may still be made until Oct.31st.We appreciate your support.

Happy Halloween-The little ones are super excited to go out for trick or treat on Halloween night. We have reviewed some Halloween Safety tips in class, and hope that everyone will have a fun and safe evening. No need to send in treats, as each class will be having a healthy snack of fruit and veggies to celebrate our special day. If you are sending in treat bags please remember we are a nut free school.Thanks!

K-2, PJs Day- On Wednesday Nov. 1st the K-2 students will be having a PJ day. We will be extra comfy in our pj's after a fun night of trick or treating.

No School for Students Friday Nov.3rd this is a PD day for Teachers.

This is going to be another exciting week in Kindergarten. We are busy making lots of Halloween crafts and playing Halloween literacy and math games together. We are really enjoying the Halloween freeze dance and brain break songs we do each day. The children have picked some favourites.

Remember to follow our I CARE rules- 1.We listen to each other. 2.Hands are for helping, not hurting. 3.We use I-CARE language. 4.We care about each others feelings. 5.We are reponsible for what we say and do. Smile, Kinders and have a fantastic week!! :) Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen


Posted: October 27, 2023

Looking good Kinders! Everyone looks awesome in their costumes. We loved going on parade and seeing all the very interesting costumes. Great spirit Raiders!!

Posted: October 26, 2023

Our pumpkins were dry and ready to decorate. I love the uniqe ideas the children came up with for their jack-o-lanters. Fantastic job, Kinders!

Posted: October 26, 2023

We had a lot of fun using a green paint stick to colour the face and construction paper to design the perfect faces for our silly Frankensteins. Awesome job, Kinders!

Posted: October 26, 2023

Great work creating your spooky little ghost, Kinders!


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