Posted: September 22, 2024
Posted: September 22, 2024
Posted: September 19, 2024
School Pictures- A form was sent home for you to go online to check your childs pictures.
Terry Fox Donation Form- Our school Terry Fox walk will be held on Tuesday Sept.24th. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. Please send in the donation sheet and money by the day of our walk. Thanks so much for helping to keep Terry's dream alive.
Posted: September 15, 2024
Parents\family members are welcome to join us for this special walk for Terry's Marathon of Hope!
Posted: September 15, 2024
Posted: September 15, 2024
Posted: September 15, 2024
Posted: September 15, 2024
Posted: September 15, 2024
Posted: September 15, 2024
Wow, what a beautiful weekend. I hope you got outside to explore and enjoy the beautiful weather. We are settling well into our daily routine and learning to follow the school and I-CARE KID rules. We also have been practicing fire drills and lock down,playground safety and school bus safety\evacuation. There is a lot for the little ones to take in and remember, but we are consistently reviewing procedures and reassuring the children that we are only practicing in case of an ememrgency. It would be wonderful if you could also review safety rules at home with child. Thanks!
This week in Kindergarten....
Student Fee- If you have not already done so,please send in the $20 student for you child. Thanks!
Phys. Ed. Classes- We have phys. ed. classes every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.Please dress in comfy clothes and sneakers on these days.
Water Bottles- Please send in a water bottle with your child each day.It has been warm in class and outside and we have been refilling our water bottles throughout the day. Thanks!
Library- We visited the library on Friday and your child signed out a book. The book was sent home in a freezer bag and should be returned every Friday, so your child can sign out a new book. Please read the library memo that was sent home in the library bag. Thanks!!
Extra Snacks- We have an afternoon recess and snack at 1:45-2:00 pm. Please send in 1 or 2 extra snacks for your child to have. Just a reminder, we are a peanut\nut free school, please check labels before sending snacks to school. Thank you for your support!
Terry Fox Walk-We will be having our annual school Terry Fox walk on Sept. 24th in the afternoon. We will be collecting donations for Terry's Marathon of Hope and keeping Terry's dream alive. We will be talking about Terry, reading books, watching videos in class. I know often this discussion is hard for some little ones to understand and Terry's story connects closely to so many of our own families. Please have a chat with your children of what you know of this amazing Canadian and the importance of the Terry Fox Walk. Thanks so much! Any donations would be greatley appreciated and more information about how to donate online will also be sent home.
Super excited to see everyone back at school on Monday.I am having a wonderful time getting to know your little Kinders. They are sweet, happy, full of energy and lots of laughs, they certainly help make the school day an exciting one. It is suppose to be very warm this week and will be also be warm in class so please dress for the weather and send an extra pair of shorts and a t-shirt in you childs book bag just in case.Thanks!
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at school, 627-4074 or email Thanks!
Take care, smile and be kind to each other! Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen :)
Posted: September 15, 2024