Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Our Happy Kinders~

Posted: September 29, 2024

Hi there, I hope you enjoying the last weekend of September, it's certainly hard to believe that we are starting the month of October. We have a four day week ahead, starting with No School Monday for the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. Please wear your orange shirt today and if possible attend the ceremony in Queen Elizabeth Park-Town Square at 10:00am. Take time to honour the survivors and remember all the children who did not make it home from ht eresidential school. All Children Matter!

School Terry Fox Walk- A huge thank you to all those who sent in donations, they are greatly appreciated. We are accepting donations until the end of this week.  

Phys. Ed. Classes- We have phys. ed. classes Tuesday and Wednesday this week.Please dress in comfy clothes and sneakers on these days. On Wednesday's we have an extra phys.ed class in the afternoon which is an outdoor class. Please dress for the weather.

Water Bottles- Please send in a water bottle with your child each day.It has been warm in class and outside and we have been refilling our water bottles throughout the day. Thanks!

Library- Please return your library book every Friday in order to sign out a new book. Thanks!!

Fletcher's Farm Field Trip- The Kindergarten classes will be walking to Fletchers Farm on Monday Oct. 7th at 8:45am to be there for 9:00am for a morning of fun. Please wear your rubber boots as the grass is quite wet in the mornings. The cost for students is $3.00 with the remainder being paid by Student Council. Please send in your money by Friday Oct.4th. We will be returning to school in time for lunch at 11:15 pm.Thanks!

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at school, 627-4074 or email Thanks!

 Have a lovely long weekend together with family and friends. Excited to see my little ones as we begin a new month together.Take care, smile and be kind to each other! Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Posted: September 29, 2024

We had a fun week playing, exploring and sharing with our Kinder friends!

Posted: September 29, 2024

Hip, Hip. Hooray, this sweet little boy is 5 today! We want to wish our friend Damien a very happy birthday, filled with lotd of fun and laughs! Love your Kindergarten friends and Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen! 

Posted: September 27, 2024

We wear orange today in hounour of all children. We learned more about the importance of this day from Mrs. Malonet who shared stories and her drumming and songs with us. We will remember that all children matter! 

Today we continued a very important walk for Terry Fox. This years Marathon of Hope theme is "No...

Posted: September 22, 2024

Hi everyone I hope you enjoyed your weekend and celebrating the 1st day of Fall.We have a busy and special four day week ahead.

Annual School Terry Fox Walk- We will be holding our walk on Tuesday Sept. 24th at 1:00pm.Everyone is welcome to come and join us for this special event. All pledge sheets and donations are due on this day. We appreciate any donations offered. Together we can help keep Terry's dream alive.Thanks!!   

Orange Shirt Day is Friday Sept.24th. Please be sure to wear orange in honour of all children and  especially the victims and survivors of Residential Schools. All Children Matter!   

No School Monday Sept.30th in honour of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

Phys. Ed. Classes- We have phys. ed. classes every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.Please dress in comfy clothes and sneakers on these days. 

Water Bottles- Please send in a water bottle with your child each day.It has been warm in class and outside and we have been refilling our water bottles throughout the day. Thanks!

Library- Please return your library book every Friday in order to sign out a new book. Thanks!!

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at school, 627-4074 or email Thanks!

 Looking forward to another great week with our Kinders. We have some very important days to celebrate and learn about. Enjoy your long weekend and holiday Monday Sept.30th.                                      Take care, smile and be kind to each other! Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen


Mon, Sep 30/24 (All day)

Posted: September 22, 2024


Fri, Sep 27/24 (All day)


Posted: September 19, 2024

School Pictures- A form was sent home for you to go online to check your childs pictures.

Terry Fox Donation Form- Our school Terry Fox walk will be held on Tuesday Sept.24th. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. Please send in the donation sheet and money by the day of our walk. Thanks so much for helping to keep Terry's dream alive.

Posted: September 15, 2024


Tue, Sep 24/24 1:00 am

Parents\family members are welcome to join us for this special walk for Terry's Marathon of Hope!


Image Galleries

Added: Sat, Mar 8 2025


Added: Sun, Apr 23 2023


Learning through Play
STEAM activities week 6
Nature Ninja K-2 Math Project- Week 3