Mrs. O'Neill-Delano

Welcome Back

Posted: September 19, 2017

Bonjour mes élèves. Here is your homework.

7e- Please refer to yesterday's entry. We had the chance to practice presenting your monster today. We will be describing your monster in written format this week. You can prepare for this by rehearsing the oral presentation to your imaginary friends!!

8e- Please refer to yesterday's entry. We will go to the lab on Thursday morning to research a vehicule representing the decade previously assigned during french class.  

Bonne soirée!!

Posted: September 18, 2017

Bonjour: Here is your homework for tonight:


7e- We will be writing about your monster next class. If you have not done an oral presentation describing your monster you need to do so before we write. Please give this some thought and come prepared to either write and/or discuss "Je connais un monstre"

8e- We have now been assigned a specific decade and you have a partner. In order to prepare for your presentations, our next class will take place in the lab on Thursday morning. You will have the chance to do your research. You may however start doing this at home to be extra prepared. You will want to consider main parts of the exterior as well as main features of the interior and decide if these features are practical or esthetic or simply for our added comfort and maybe not so necessary; for instance ( heated leather seats- are they necessary?) Just a thought!!

Bonne soirée à vous tous.

Posted: September 13, 2017

Bonjour. Here is your homework for next class:


7e-   Be prepared to discuss a monster in the following detail- the name, where you saw this monster ( ie.  in a comic book, movie etc.), is it in human form or otherwise, what the monster looks like, personality traits ( is it good, bad , evil , comical etc.) and any other piece of info you think to be interesting.


8e- Do a google search to see images of cars from the 70s   80s  and 90s.


Bonne Soirée




Posted: September 12, 2017

Bonjour mes étudiants. Here is your homework for tonight.

7e-  If you have not done so; be prepared to talk about a monster for next class. Check last night's entry for all of the details.


8e- Do a google search on popular cars from the 70s   80s  and/or 90s.

Posted: September 11, 2017


Grade 7- Do a google search to find an example of a monster to speak about in class tomorrow. You should be able to tell me the name-where it lives-physical appearance-is it bad, evil or kind-does it destroy things? What types of food does it eat- can it speak like a human- is it in human form-is it an animal- from the ocean??  Is it a character in a film? tv show? video game? 


Grade 8- You could do a google search to look at cars from the 70s   80s  90s. Become familiar with some of the types and/or models from back in the stone age when I was your age!!!

Posted: August 31, 2017

Hi there everyone. Hope you all had a fantastic summer. I will be teaching grade 7 and grade 8 post intensive french in addition to running the entire music program kindergarten- grade 8. Excited to see everyone and get going on a very busy 1st term. 

Posted: June 15, 2017

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight:

Homeroom Business: Swimming tomorrow morning at MVHS pool. Bring your own towel and your bathing suit. You will return to Nelson for regular lunchtime so you will need to bring a lunch.

Dance- Tonight at 7:30pm. cost $5.00. Please do not arrive early as we are doing special things for the grade 8 class up until 7:30pm. You will have your big moment next year. (where is the time going?)

Math- Make sure all worksheets due to Mrs. Haché are complete.

L. Arts- Same thing. Make sure all assignments are complete.

French- Finish the draft Biography of a famous Canadian for Monday.

That is it for tonight.Have a great evening everyone. Hope to see you all at the dance tonight.


Posted: June 14, 2017

Hello grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight:

NO HOMEWORK!!      P.S  Your dance today was AMAZING!  

A few of you still need to bring in permission forms for swimming at MVHS. Also don't forget about the big dance tomorrow night.

Have a great evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow.

Posted: June 8, 2017

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight:

Homeroom Business: Some of you still need to bring in the permission form to go swimming next week. If you have lost it have your parent\guardian write a note stating you have permission to travel to MVHS to go swimming on June 16th.

Math: Complete the math work sheet given to you by Mrs. Haché

L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes. Check Mrs. Murphy's page for additional assignment.

That is it for tonight. have a great evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow.

Posted: June 5, 2017

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight:

Math- Pages 282-283 Questions 1-4

L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes

Go to bed early tonight. You have a math assessment tomorrow morning.

That's it for tonight. Have a great evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow. 



Added: Sun, Feb 16 2025