Mr. Methot Notes

This page will keep parents/guardians of 6/7M informed and updated.


Here are some fun, hands-on numeracy activities that have been compiled by the district that you can try as well! Be sure to look at the last page of the documents for the middle school tasks. I have included this week's and last week's documents. The outdoor challenge to measure the height of a tree seems really interesting, I'm curious about that one!


Posted: May 18, 2020

Happy Victoria Day Raiders!

Looks like a beautiful week of sunshine coming our way! I have provided a variety of home learning opportunities this week, but feel free to pick and choose certain activities and don't feel obligated to complete everything. Find time to spend outside with family, and I included some activities that can be done outside as well! Have fun and don't forget to stay active!

As always, I'm only an email away! 

Have an awesome week! :) 

The Virtual Olympics is an exciting opportunity put together by the district for anyone who wants to get outside and stay active! It sounds like a lot of fun! I encourage all students to participate! 

Here is a link to the registration form that you can fill out:

Posted: May 11, 2020

Happy Monday to all!

Here are this week's math/science/STEAM home learning opportunities for 7M and 6J. I hope you enjoy them! Let me know if there are any questions. Be sure to check your other teachers' pages as well to see what they have posted for you this week.  

7M I hope you will all participate in our weekly Teams call on Thursday at 2pm, I'm looking forward to it!

Have a splendid week everyone! :)   

Monday: Money

Tuesday: Art

Wednesday: Speeches

Thursday: Flowers

Friday: Movies


Have fun! 

Happy Mother's Day to all the great mothers out there, I hope you have a great day!

Posted: May 7, 2020

Posted: May 7, 2020

Here is a link to a website I found with several fun and educational interactive games focusing on probability. I really like the game called "Beat The Odds". Feel free to try as many different games as you want.


Monday - May the Fourth (Star Wars)

Tuesday - Geography

Wednesday - Time

Thursday - Earth Science

Friday - Basketball

Posted: May 4, 2020

Week 5 of Home Learning already! 

I hope everyone enjoys this week's learning opportunities. As always, I encourage everyone to share with their class on Teams things that they've done and learned. 

7M students don't forget we will have our class chat on Teams at 2pm on Thursday, May 7th. 

Take care everyone! 

Here are the themes for this week for the Breakout EDU Live trivia games: 

Monday - Periodic Table

Tuesday - Multiplication

Wednesday - Colours

Thursday - State Geography (this would be a tough one since we don't live in the United States)

Friday - Space Travel (I thought every Friday was a surprise theme, but I guess not)


Live games are at 3pm. You can always play past games as well. Good luck!

Posted: April 27, 2020

Good Morning Raiders!

Here are some Home Learning opportunities for this week. Please remember to be checking all of your other teachers' pages to see what they are posting and also to be checking your Microsoft Teams for any updates or information. 

Take care everyone! :) 

Happy Earth Day to all! Joyeux Jour de la Terre! 

Here are some videos that I thought were pretty neat to celebrate and take care of our planet. Enjoy! 

Touche pas à ma planète:

Chaque jour est un jour de la Terre:

Earth Day! Jour de la Terre!:

Dix astuces sauver de l'eau:

Posted: April 21, 2020

For any middle school students interested, every weekday at 3pm there will be a live game hosted by Breakout EDU online that is free to participate in. Each game episode lasts about 5-10 minutes and consists of answering questions by watching a live video. When you figure out an answer, you use it as a combination to unlock a virtual lock. There is a series of 4 questions and 4 locks to open and you want to do it as fast as you can! For 7M students this is similar to the "escape room" challenge we did at school, and this is the same company that provides the kits and locks we used. It is great for anyone who is up for a challenge that gets you to think quickly and critically. Each game is based on a different theme and the questions get progressively more challenging (which is the fun part!). You can also play past game episodes that have aired from earlier this week and last week. I'd encourage everyone to check it out! I will post the themes weekly for each week on my teacher page. 

Here is the website address to access the site where you can play live or past episodes (there is no login required):

Here are the themes for the rest of this week:

Wednesday - Earth Day

Thursday - Geometry

Friday - Mystery Box (surprise theme)    

*There are prizes that can be won, but unfortunately since it is an American company you need to be a US resident to win. But it is still a fun challenge regardless! Remember 3pm is when it starts!

Posted: April 20, 2020

Happy Monday Raiders! 

Here are some Home Learning opportunities in the areas of math, science, and STEAM for 6J and 7M students. Be sure to check all of your teachers' pages to see the fantastic ideas and learning activities that they have come up with for you as well! I hope students continue to share creations/products and communicate through Microsoft Teams as I love seeing/hearing what everyone is up to! 

Have a spectacular week everyone!
