Mr. Methot Notes

This page will keep parents/guardians of 6/7M informed and updated.


Posted: September 26, 2019

1.Read 30mins for Mr.B

2.math assignment due monday

3.sign math quiz up Greta thunburg for Mr.B


Posted: September 25, 2019

1.Read (30mins) for Mr.B

2.Science (7M) quiz tomorrow

3.Money for Terry Fox

4.Maths (7M) - pg 8-9 #1,3,5 and pg 12-13 #1,2,6

5.Math Assignment due friday

6.Sign math quiz

Posted: September 24, 2019

1. Read 30mins

2. money for Terry Fox

3. math assignment due friday

Posted: September 23, 2019

1. Money for terry fox.

2. Math quiz tomorrow.

3. Math assignment due September 27th.

4. Read 30mins for Mr.B

Posted: September 20, 2019

1. Math assignment due September 27th

2. Money for Terry Fox 

3. Dance today $5.00 dollar admission 7:30-9:00 snacks are $1.00 each

                                                        HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: September 19, 2019

Math:  Sign quiz if you haven't yet

         - Assignment #1 due Sept. 27 (focus on questions #1-6 for now)

English:  Read for 30 minutes

Reminders:  Terry Fox shirt order due tomorrow 

                 - Dance memo

Posted: September 18, 2019

Just to clarify, for the science sheet that I assigned for homework last night/tonight, only part 1 needs to be completed. Ignore part 2. I forgot to mention this to the class yesterday, my apologies. 

Posted: September 18, 2019

Math:  Sign quiz from Friday

         - Assignment #1 due Sept. 27

English:  Read for 30 minutes

Science:  Complete sheet for tomorrow 

Reminders:  Terry Fox forms for money/shirts

Posted: September 17, 2019

Math:  Get quiz signed

         -Assignment #1 due Sept. 27

         -Questions in the textbook (pg. 62-64 #2,4,8,9,10)

Science:  Substance activity sheet for Thursday

English:  Read for 30 minutes

Reminders:  School picture orders, tomorrow is the last day to order 

                -Terry Fox forms (2)

Posted: September 16, 2019

Math:  - Sign quiz

         - Assignment #1 due Friday, Sept. 27

English: Read for 30 minutes 


Reminders: School picture orders due Wednesday 

Posted: September 13, 2019

1. school picture orders

2. $3.00 for fletchers farm 

3. English: read for 30 minutes

Posted: September 12, 2019

- Math: Quiz tomorrow on adding/subtracting integers

- English language arts: Read for 30 minutes


- Memo regarding field trip to Fletcher's Farm

- School picture orders 
