Mr. Methot Notes

This page will keep parents/guardians of 6/7M informed and updated.


Posted: October 28, 2019

Math:  Sign test

         - Assignment #2 due November 12

         - page 19 #7 and 8

Wellness:  Write for 5 minutes

English:  Read for 25 minutes 

Spirit Week:  Country harvest/Plaid day tomorrow! 

Posted: October 25, 2019

Math:  Sign test

         - Correct test (if all questions with mistakes have been corrected on a sheet of looseleaf by Monday, I will award the student 2 extra bonus points). 

Wellness:  Write for 5 minutes 

Remider:  Spirit week coming up starting on Tuesday with Country Harvest/Plaid Day

Posted: October 24, 2019

Read 30 Minutes

Sign Math Quiz

Write For Wellness

Posted: October 23, 2019

Read 30 minutes

Sign quiz

Math page 18 questions 3,5,6a

Posted: October 18, 2019


Signer le quiz

memo-book fair

Posted: October 17, 2019

Math:  Sign quiz #4 

        - pg. 79-80 #8,9,12,13 

        - Test on Monday

          (nombres entiers, règles de divisibilité, mesures de tendance centrale)

English:  Read for 25 minutes 


Posted: October 15, 2019

Math:  Sign quiz #4

English:  Read for 25 minutes 

Reminder:  Bring in a baby or toddler picture for the classroom.

Posted: October 10, 2019

Quiz demain

Math pg 273-274 1, 2a, b, 6



Posted: October 8, 2019

Math:  Sign quiz #3 and assignment #1

         - Finish question with arm measurements

English:  Read 25 minutes



Posted: October 7, 2019

1. Sign math quiz and assignment

2. Math page 264-265 #1,2,3

3. Picture retakes tomorrow

4. Memo

Posted: October 4, 2019

Math:  Sign quiz

Science:  Research symbol (description with an example of a substance)

English:  Read for 25 minutes

- Picture retake memo

- Bring in a baby/toddler picture for the classroom :) 


Have a great weekend!!!


Posted: October 3, 2019

1. read ( 25 mins )

2. sign math quiz

3. Math pg. 260 - 261 #1,2,3,4,6

4. Research your symbol 

Posted: October 1, 2019

1. Read 25mins

2. Sign science quiz

3. Swimming tomorrow afternoon

Posted: September 30, 2019

1. read (25 mins) and Greta Thunberg

2. sign math quiz 

3. finish page 5 and 7 for math

4. quiz tomorrow for math

5. sign quiz for science


Posted: September 29, 2019

Math:  Sign quiz #2

         - Assignment #1 due tomorrow 

English:  Read for 25 minutes 

            - Research Greta Thunberg 


- Orange shirt day tomorrow 

- Immunizations tomorrow 
