Mr. Methot Notes

This page will keep parents/guardians of 6/7M informed and updated.


Posted: April 16, 2020

Once a student has created their account using the activation link I provided along with their class code, they no longer require either of these to log in again in the future. They can just go on anytime they want to continue on the website and log in using their full name and the password they chose. 

Also, don't feel like the lessons/activites I pin on the homepage need to be completed each week. I realize that they can sometimes take a long time to complete so even just trying some questions on each one is great. If a student wants to continue a lesson the following day or even the following week they can pick up where they left off. But as always just do what you can.

Happy home learning!  

Posted: April 13, 2020

Hello Raiders!

I hope the first week of Home Learning was a success for everyone and that everyone had a nice and relaxing Easter with their families! Here are some files for this week. Just a reminder to not stress about any of this and if you don't have a chance to do/complete an activity it is alright, just do what you can! And parents, as always I am only an email away if you need anything.

Have a super week! :) 

Mr. Methot

Posted: April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!

For students in 6J and 7M, I have posted an Easter challenge on Teams that you can try if you want. It would be great if you could check it out! 

Stay safe everyone! 

Posted: April 10, 2020

I hope the first week of Home Learning has been going well for everyone. I really enjoyed getting to chat with all the students of 7M over the phone. I was thrilled to hear that everyone has been taking advantage of the Home Learning opportunities that have been posted by myself and other teachers. 

I have been encouraging students to share photos of their results on Microsoft Teams of certain activities I've provided. Just to clarify, this is only optional and not at all me looking to assess or evaluate, I am just simply providing this choice as a way for students to showcase to the class something they have created that they are proud of. Some students have already shared photos on Teams which I love to see, and I hope to continue seeing more in the future! 

Happy Easter/Joyeuses Pâques to all the Raider families! :) 

Posted: April 7, 2020

To sign in on Office 365 to access Teams, the following is required:

1. Email = (the username is the same one that you would use to log in on the school computers)

2. Password = the same one that you would use to log in on the school computers

*If a student has forgotten either their username or password please let me know! 

Good afternoon and hello to all the families of 7M and 6J!

I apologize for the delay in my post, I was experiencing some technical difficulties on my end with uploading the documents. But I finally managed to break through thankfully. You can take a look at the file titled "Information" to learn more about the Home Learning and what can be expected. If you have any questions just email me! :)  



Posted: March 11, 2020

English & French: Read books

Math: Sign last quiz and complete questions in the textbook (pg. 188-189 #4 and #6)

Science: Make sure to have STEM Fair project at school tomorrow to present it! 

UNB survey permission form, sign and return if interested in participating in it 

Coronavirus memo 


Posted: March 9, 2020

English & French:  Read books

Math:  Sign math quiz and finish latest assignment if it is not completed already

Science:  Finish STEM Fair project if it is not completed already

Spell-a-thon:  Bring in money if it is not handed in already

Posted: February 26, 2020

French & English:  Read

Science:  STEM Fair project (due March 9)

Spell-a-thon:  Pledge money and sheet due back Friday

Pizza party Friday for lunch

Dress warm tomorrow to be outside in the morning with the grade 3/4 French Immersion class  

Posted: February 25, 2020

English & French:  Read books 

Science:  STEM Fair project (March 9th)

Spell-a-thon:  Money due Friday 

Pizza party Friday for lunch

Pink shirt day tomorrow 

Posted: February 24, 2020

French & English:  Read books

Science:  STEM Fair project (due March 9th)

Math:  Quiz tomorrow on +/-/x/÷ of decimal numbers

Spell-a-thon:  Keep fundraising and return pledge money by Friday 

Pink shirt day on Wednesday to support anti-bullying

Posted: February 21, 2020

English Lanuage Arts - Read 25 minutes

French - Read 5 minutes

Spell a thon - Collect money!

Sciencde Fair project due 9th of March

Posted: February 18, 2020

English and French: Read

Math: Sign quizzes if not already done

Science: Continue working on STEM Fair project

Art: Bring in white bristol board for this exploratory block 

Spell-a-thon: Bring in pledge sheets tomorrow. Spelling challenge will be held on Thursday.

Posted: February 13, 2020

English and French: Read

Math: Sign quizzes and return duotang

Art: Bring in white bristol board

Science:  Project due Feb. 25


Wear red and white for Flag Day assembly tomorrow

Winter Wellness activities in the afternoon tomorrow 

Posted: February 10, 2020

English Language Arts - Read 25 minutes ( Vogue tomorrow! )

French - Read 5 minutes

Spell-a-thon - Collect money and practice your spelling words

Year book - 20$

Work on your science fair project

Bring in money to order a pink shirt with the memo

Math - Sign quizzes and finish assignmet due tomorrow!
